Every day is “bring your pet to work day” for 100% virtual Continued team
As a completely virtual company, the ability to work alongside our pets is a highlight for many on the Continued team.
Many team members agree the “pet effect” decreases stress levels and increases happiness, productivity, and even exercise levels.
Continued’s Katrina Brandt has seven dogs of her own and also fosters dogs as co-director of a pet rescue in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Katrina Brandt, CEU administrator-Continued’s SpeechPathology.com, has seven dogs of her own and also fosters dogs as co-director of a pet rescue in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
“Without being able to work from home, I would not be able to care for all the animals that I do,” Brandt said.
“Since starting with Continued four years ago, I have been lucky enough to foster over 100 dogs. Because I’m able to work from home, I’m also able to make a greater impact on my community, which means a lot to me.”
Continued team members actively share pictures and antics of their dogs, cats, turtles, chickens, and other animals via a dedicated pets channel on the company Slack.
Keep reading to meet a few of the many pets that “work” on the Continued team!
— Erinala Horlbeck, Bread + Butter —
Bread and Butter are the brother-sister duo of senior developer Erinala Horlbeck in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Horlbeck says they stand guard for her while she writes code—watching out for moths flies, mice, and lizards. “Sadly, they don’t find too many indoors, but that doesn’t stop them from trying!”
— Drew Glaser, Astro + Mr. Waffles —
Senior developer Drew Glaser of Erie, Colorado, shares his office with Astro and Mr. Waffles, who spend most of the day sleeping and offer plenty of snuggles, squeaky toy breaks, and piggy snorts. “What a joy it is to work from home with my animals,” Glaser said.
— Amy Natho + Dame Helen Mir-hen —
Dame Helen Mir-hen steps in for Amy Natho, senior CEU administrator/associate editor-Continued’s SpeechPathology.com. Natho has another chicken as well, Dame Judi Hench, and a dog, Lenny; she also regularly volunteers at her local animal shelter near her home in Lyons, Colorado. “My pets and the animals I volunteer with get me outdoors, make me laugh, and make me forget minor troubles or stresses,” Natho said. “It is a real gift to have a remote job that allows me to spend more time with them.”
— Zeb Palmer + Ruby —
IT operations manager Zeb Palmer recently welcomed Ruby to his office in Nampa, Idaho. “Bringing a new puppy into the family has been much easier since I work from home,” Palmer said. “It allows us to be more consistent about training, and she reminds me to take breaks and go for walks. I can't imagine working without this cute puddle of fur at my feet.”
— Amy Martin + Petey —
Petey gives “I know you are working, but I’ve got better ideas!” vibes to Amy Martin, Continued human resources manager and health coach in Merritt Island, Florida. “Petey keeps me active by reminding me to take a couple of breaks during the day to get in our daily steps,” Martin said.
— Stevie St. John, Watson + Hastings —
Watson and Hastings are bonded brothers who bring mischief and fun to the office of Stevie St. John, senior copywriter, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “When I fostered and then ‘foster failed’ (i.e., adopted) Watson and Hastings, I didn’t realize how much energy they’d have and how much mischief they’d get into! I’m so fortunate to work from home and keep an eye on them,” St. John said. “Plus, taking a break means a snuggly cat on my lap for a few minutes or chasing my playful boys around the house. They add a lot of joy to working from home!”
— Kate Whitney + Mason —
Kate Whitney left for a conference and her husband “happened” to find a puppy! New pup, Mason, is settling in fine with Whitney, learning & simulation developer–social work (Simucase), in Medford, New Jersey. “Mason is a bundle of love and energy,” Whitney said. “He often makes guest appearances in meetings and is doing a phenomenal job protecting the family from the ‘evil’ robot vacuum.”
— Leigha Jansen + Mango —
Mango recently joined Leigha Jansen and dog, Wilson, in their office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. “This cat has stolen my heart—and my keyboard!” said Jansen, director, educational technology.
— Tanya Velarde + Speedy Gonzales —
Tanya Velarde of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, oversees Continued’s customer experience team with the help of her cat, two dogs, stick bug, and a turtle (Speedy Gonzales, pictured). “In our work-from-home zoo, the stick bug handles all the sticky situations, the turtle sets the pace, the cat manages the mouse, and the dogs provide the occasional ‘pawsitive’ distraction,” Velarde said.
— Emily Fogleman + Bowie —
Sales marketing coordinator Emily Fogleman of West Bloomfield, Michigan, works alongside her dogs, Bowie and Dylan. Bowie, pictured in her favorite spot—under the couch! “I am so grateful to be able to be at home with my sweet pups,” Fogleman said. “My favorite part of every day is getting to be their dog mom!”
— Olivia Walliser + Cedric Diggory —
CEU administrator Olivia Walliser of Tucson, Arizona, offers the perfect headrest for her dog, Cedric Diggory. “Cedric is a 60lb lap puppy,” Walliser said.
— Calista Kelly + Vivi —
Calista Kelly, senior managing editor of PhysicalTherapy.com, works from East Peoria, Illinois, with her two cats, Vivi and Hazel. “Vivi loves to sit between my two monitors and peek over my laptop at me,” Kelly said.
— Allison Nilsen + chicks —
Allison Nilsen of Honesdale, Pennsylvania, welcomed these chickens soon after they hatched, and they now live free range in her yard. “Interestingly enough, they have their own temperaments and personalities,” said Nilsen, lead learning & simulation developer-social work (Simucase).
— Olga Yeromenko + Toby —
Toby can handle Olga Yeromenko’s technology responsibilities when she steps away. “I think he found a bug in our system!” said Yeromenko, senior software development engineer in test.