Continued Counseling Phone: 866-970-4840

Practice Administration/Healthy Workspaces CE Courses for Counseling

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40 courses found

Self-Care as a Practitioner: How to Care for Yourself While Caring for Others
Presented by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, PhD, MSW, LMSW
Course: #1755Level: Intermediate1.07 Hours
Behavioral health clinicians provide mental health support and care to patients struggling with issues like depression, addiction, and trauma. Though these professionals care deeply about helping their patients, this emotionally demanding work can lead to fatigue, stress, and burnout over time. This course focuses on the critical need for behavioral health clinicians to understand strategies to optimize their own health, wellness, and work-life balance so they can continue providing quality mental health care without burning out.

Disaster Mental Health: Psychological First Aid on Disaster Assignment
Presented by Jennifer Carlson, MSW, PhD, CEM, LCSW
Course: #1302Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course explores Psychological First Aid (PFA) concepts, how best to use PFA to support survivor needs, and self-care strategies for responders.

How to Diffuse Difficult Conversations
Presented by Marva Mount, MA, CCC-SLP, FNAP
Course: #1040Level: Intermediate1 Hour
At times, communication can cause bumps in the road in any setting, especially when working on diverse and/or interdisciplinary teams. This course explores how to diffuse difficult conversations when there are many standpoints present and what to do to turn a difficult conversation into a positive experience. It will additionally explore how to repair a conversation when your intentions do not go as planned.

Confident Communication: Verbal Communication
Presented by Tatiana Rodriguez, MPH
Course: #1054Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course explores the fundamentals of impactful verbal communication, including thoughtful word choice and tone to convey intended meaning. By honing language and style elements, participants will learn to craft messages that engage audiences, express ideas clearly, and speak with more confidence.

Holistic Leadership, Innovation, and Wellbeing
Presented by Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Course: #1020Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this course, the relationship between a holistic leadership model and innovative work behavior is described, including the role of empathy and humility. The concept and measure of psychological empowerment is discussed in the workplace context. Core character and practice elements of a holistic leadership model are presented.

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Presented by Taeler Hammond, MA
Course: #1024Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Creating Psychological Safety is a course that focuses on fostering a mentally and emotionally safe environment in the workplace. This course will teach the audience what psychological safety is, how to implement it, and what to do to help their colleagues and associates feel psychologically safe at work.

Confident Communication: Mastering the 5 Communication Styles
Presented by Tatiana Rodriguez, MPH
Course: #1029Level: Introductory1 Hour
Welcome to Mastering the 5 Communication Styles. Get ready for an engaging and interactive journey where you'll discover your communication style and learn how all styles influence your interactions with others. We'll delve into the five communication styles: aggressive, passive, passive aggressive, manipulative, and assertive. Each style may have its place depending on the situation, but we'll focus on how to effectively use assertive communication to enhance both personal and professional relationships. Please note: the communication styles are not necessarily labels for individuals. Rather, they provide a helpful framework for understanding and adapting our communication for maximum effectiveness.

Using Emotional Intelligence as a Communication Compass
Presented by Marva Mount, MA, CCC-SLP, FNAP
Course: #1023Level: Intermediate1 Hour
We all communicate daily in our work, with those we know and with those we do not know well. It is important always to remember that the intent of any message is not as important as the interpretation of the message we are giving. From that lens, we will explore what emotional intelligence (EQ) is, why it is important, and why, if we do not have a “high” EQ, we can find ourselves in difficult conversations with others, with no idea how to repair the damage.

Burnout Among Mental Health Professionals: A Sociological Perspective
Presented by Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Course: #1010Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this course learners will acquire knowledge in the sociological perspective of burnout and how role strain contributes to burnout at the individual level. The social and political context of burnout is discussed, as well as the organizational-level factors of burnout. Social and economic power differentials are examined as a barrier to improving the landscape of burnout among the helping professions.

Understanding Communication Styles on Diverse Teams
Presented by Marva Mount, MA, CCC-SLP, FNAP
Course: #1022Level: Intermediate1 Hour
How often do you begin a conversation with a specific set of expectations and immediately realize that things are not going the way you expected? We deliver many messages within our chosen professions, to a variety of different communication partners. How do we prevent misunderstandings and damaged relationships? We will examine ways to match our current communication style in ways that are more aligned to our audience providing positive outcomes, regardless of the message we must deliver.

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