Continued Counseling Phone: 866-970-4840

CE Courses for Counseling


286 courses found

State Approval Information for California

For Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Educational Psychologists licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, the board accepts courses by NBCC approved providers. Continued has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7484. To find approved courses, select NBCC from the Association menu.

The California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators (CAADE) Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California (ACCBC) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #CP40 206 C 0422. To find approved courses, select ACCBC from the Association menu.

The CADTP California SUD Counselor Certification Agency (CADTP) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #241. To find approved courses, select CADTP from the Association menu.

The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #OS-24-224-0426. To find approved courses, select CCAPP from the Association menu.

For all other professionals, please check with your state board for current requirements. Professionals are responsible for ensuring that they complete courses relevant to their credential and scope of practice.

View California Requirements
Understanding and Assessing Suicidality in Adolescents: A Comprehensive Approach
Presented by Lauren Dennelly, PhD, MSW, LCSW
Course: #1443Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this course, participants learn about contributing factors to adolescent suicidal thoughts and behaviors and how to intervene in these situations. Application via case study examples are discussed.

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Presented by Taeler Hammond, MA
Course: #1024Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Creating Psychological Safety is a course that focuses on fostering a mentally and emotionally safe environment in the workplace. This course will teach the audience what psychological safety is, how to implement it, and what to do to help their colleagues and associates feel psychologically safe at work.

Trauma Etiology & Posttraumatic Stress: Past & Present
Presented by Aaron Gillespie, PsyD
Course: #1035Level: Introductory2 Hours
This introductory course is designed to empower clinicians to more effectively identify the traumatic experiences that may be informing their client’s presenting concerns and to holistically conceptualize the impact those experiences may have had on their functioning. Towards those ends, it will introduce viewers to the current and historical sociopolitical contexts in which trauma and PTSD are understood, the range of experiences that may elicit an acute and/or posttraumatic response that go beyond “criterion A” events, the unique and shared symptoms presentations that may arise in vivo, the array of intra-and-interpersonal factors that both influence and protect against them, as well as the toll these experiences can have on an individual and their communities across the lifespan. The impetus for action laden within the material presented during this course, informed by the understanding viewers will develop regarding the now indisputable, holistic impact of trauma on the individual and our society, will function to highlight the need for interdisciplinary collaboration across the helping and medical professions to prevent and treat the consequences of trauma.

Into Action: Program Design to Address Social Determinants of Mental Health
Presented by Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Course: #1021Level: Advanced1 Hour
In this course, participants will get an overview of the social determinants of mental health in America, and an introduction to designing initiatives or programs to address such determinants. Best practices in working across sectors, community engagement, and evaluation will be discussed.

Confident Communication: Mastering the 5 Communication Styles
Presented by Tatiana Rodriguez, MPH
Course: #1029Level: Introductory1 Hour
Welcome to Mastering the 5 Communication Styles. Get ready for an engaging and interactive journey where you'll discover your communication style and learn how all styles influence your interactions with others. We'll delve into the five communication styles: aggressive, passive, passive aggressive, manipulative, and assertive. Each style may have its place depending on the situation, but we'll focus on how to effectively use assertive communication to enhance both personal and professional relationships. Please note: the communication styles are not necessarily labels for individuals. Rather, they provide a helpful framework for understanding and adapting our communication for maximum effectiveness.

Introduction to Disaster: Understanding Emergency Management
Presented by Jennifer Carlson, MSW, PhD, CEM, LCSW
Course: #1240Level: Introductory1 Hour
Emergency management is critical for all professions, especially helping professionals. This course introduces the history and concept of emergency management and explores ethics, decision-making, and limitations of emergency management.

The Opioid Crisis: A Sociological Perspective
Presented by Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Course: #1014Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this course the social context of the opioid crisis will be discussed, including societal-level contributing factors. A holistic approach to addressing the crisis is presented, with applications to the health professional’s role.

Using Emotional Intelligence as a Communication Compass
Presented by Marva Mount, MA, CCC-SLP, FNAP
Course: #1023Level: Intermediate1 Hour
We all communicate daily in our work, with those we know and with those we do not know well. It is important always to remember that the intent of any message is not as important as the interpretation of the message we are giving. From that lens, we will explore what emotional intelligence (EQ) is, why it is important, and why, if we do not have a “high” EQ, we can find ourselves in difficult conversations with others, with no idea how to repair the damage.

Burnout Among Mental Health Professionals: A Sociological Perspective
Presented by Sophie Nathenson, PhD
Course: #1010Level: Intermediate1 Hour
In this course learners will acquire knowledge in the sociological perspective of burnout and how role strain contributes to burnout at the individual level. The social and political context of burnout is discussed, as well as the organizational-level factors of burnout. Social and economic power differentials are examined as a barrier to improving the landscape of burnout among the helping professions.

Gun Violence and Tragic Loss: Grief Support for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Presented by Tanika Johnson, EdD, MA, LPC-MHSP, LMHC, NCC, BC-TMH, CCTP
Course: #1235Level: Advanced1 Hour
Following the days of a traumatic event, our most vulnerable populations may struggle with reliving the trauma and recalling the harrowing cries for help, fears of an untimely rescue, and surviving the guilt of losing a beloved friend, peer, or school-based professional. This is the third course of a three-part series focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and evidence-based practices for modeling, role-playing, and teaching young survivors stress relaxation management, grounding exercises, and mindfulness strategies.

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