For Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Educational Psychologists licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, the board accepts courses by NBCC approved providers. Continued has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7484. To find approved courses, select NBCC from the Association menu.
The California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators (CAADE) Addiction Counselor Certification Board of California (ACCBC) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #CP40 206 C 0422. To find approved courses, select ACCBC from the Association menu.
The CADTP California SUD Counselor Certification Agency (CADTP) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #241. To find approved courses, select CADTP from the Association menu.
The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) requires provider approval. Continued is an approved provider #OS-24-224-0426. To find approved courses, select CCAPP from the Association menu.
For all other professionals, please check with your state board for current requirements. Professionals are responsible for ensuring that they complete courses relevant to their credential and scope of practice.
1/counseling/ceus/course/preventing-sexual-harassment-in-workplace-1070Preventing Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceHarassment, and more specifically, sexual harassment, is illegal. This course reviews the definition of sexual harassment, ways to prevent harassment, and what to do should harassment occur in the workplace.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceHarassment, and more specifically, sexual harassment, is illegal. This course reviews the definition of sexual harassment, ways to prevent harassment, and what to do should harassment occur in the workplace.1070OnlinePT60M
ASWB ACE/1.0 General; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Theories, Community Utilization, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, CE Broker #20-1138330; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (ICB)/1.0 Counselor II, Preventionist II, CARS II, CODP II, PCGC I, PCGC II, CCJP II, CRSS II, CPRS II, MAATP II, CFPP II, CVSS II; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services, Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 PR1, S3; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
Harassment, and more specifically, sexual harassment, is illegal. This course reviews the definition of sexual harassment, ways to prevent harassment, and what to do should harassment occur in the workplace.
2/counseling/ceus/course/solution-focused-interventions-with-trauma-1308Solution-Focused Interventions with Trauma SurvivorsThis course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Interventions with Trauma SurvivorsThis course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.1308OnlinePT60M
ASWB ACE/1.0 Clinical; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Techniques, Counseling, CE Broker #20-774008; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 C2, C7; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.
3/counseling/ceus/course/role-race-and-diversity-in-1786The Role of Race and Diversity in Work with Children in Child WelfareThis course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Role of Race and Diversity in Work with Children in Child WelfareThis course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.1786OnlinePT60M
CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Cultural Diversity, Social And Cultural Foundations, Knowledge Of Sociological Factors, CE Broker #20-773674; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; IL EITP/1.0 0.25 Intervention, 0.5 Working With Families, 0.25 Atypical Development; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services, Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 CC, C5; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.
4/counseling/ceus/course/elder-abuse-and-child-know-1162Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your RoleElder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your RoleElder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.1162OnlinePT60M
ASWB ACE/1.0 General; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Professional Responsibilities, Crisis Response, Counseling, CE Broker #20-850947; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MI (MCBAP)/1.0 Related; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Clinical Intake And Screening, Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 PR1, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.
5/counseling/ceus/course/human-trafficking-101-for-allied-1086Human Trafficking 101 for Allied Health ProfessionalsThe goal of this course is to educate providers regarding Human Trafficking. The course will, along with providing the definition of Human Trafficking and explaining the various aspects of the definition, give providers tools in the recognition and care of potential victims of Human Trafficking.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Trafficking 101 for Allied Health ProfessionalsThe goal of this course is to educate providers regarding Human Trafficking. The course will, along with providing the definition of Human Trafficking and explaining the various aspects of the definition, give providers tools in the recognition and care of potential victims of Human Trafficking.1086OnlinePT60M
ASWB ACE/1.25 General; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Human Trafficking, Counseling Theories, Counseling, CE Broker #20-1042492; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services, Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 PR1, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
The goal of this course is to educate providers regarding Human Trafficking. The course will, along with providing the definition of Human Trafficking and explaining the various aspects of the definition, give providers tools in the recognition and care of potential victims of Human Trafficking.
6/counseling/ceus/course/suicide-awareness-assessment-and-intervention-1122Suicide Awareness, Assessment and Intervention for Allied Health ProfessionalsThis 3-module empirically supported training program will address suicide awareness, screening, intervention, and referral principles for allied health professionals. Age and population specific suicide assessment tools, management principles, and case studies will be presented. This course was designed to meet the training program requirements in suicide assessment, treatment and management for the state of Washington.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Awareness, Assessment and Intervention for Allied Health ProfessionalsThis 3-module empirically supported training program will address suicide awareness, screening, intervention, and referral principles for allied health professionals. Age and population specific suicide assessment tools, management principles, and case studies will be presented. This course was designed to meet the training program requirements in suicide assessment, treatment and management for the state of Washington.1122OnlinePT195M
CA (CAADE)/3.25; CA (CADTP)/3.25; CA (CCAPP-EI)/3.25; CE Broker/3.25 Suicide Prevention, Counseling Techniques, CE Broker #20-1104500; CE Hours/3.25; CT (CCB)/3.25; GA (ADACBGA)/3.25; IACET/0.3; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/3.25; MO (MCB)/3.25; NAADAC/3.25 Clinical Intake And Screening, Clinical Assessment, Treatment Plan, Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/3.25; NY-Contact Hours/3.25 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/3.25 C4; OK (LPC/LMFT)/3.25; OK (OBLADC)/3.25; WA DOH/3.25 Approved Course For Substance Abuse Professionals
This 3-module empirically supported training program will address suicide awareness, screening, intervention, and referral principles for allied health professionals. Age and population specific suicide assessment tools, management principles, and case studies will be presented. This course was designed to meet the training program requirements in suicide assessment, treatment and management for the state of Washington.
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