State Requirement Info
67 courses found
Intimate Partner Violence: The Basics
This course defines Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and reviews how IPV manifests in relationships and how mental health practitioners should assess for IPV and intervene with both victims and perpetrators. This course also addresses elder abuse and assessing and intervening with elder abuse.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Intimate Partner Violence: The Basics
This course defines Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and reviews how IPV manifests in relationships and how mental health practitioners should assess for IPV and intervene with both victims and perpetrators. This course also addresses elder abuse and assessing and intervening with elder abuse.
Intimate Partner Violence: The Basics
Presented by Katrinna M. Matthews, DSW, MEd, LAPSW
Course: #1434Level: Introductory1.5 Hours
CA (CAADE)/1.5; CA (CADTP)/1.5; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.5; CE Broker/1.5 Domestic Violence, Counseling Theories, Counseling, CE Broker #20-793348; CE Hours/1.5; CT (CCB)/1.5; IACET/0.2; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.5; MO (MCB)/1.5; NAADAC/1.5 Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.5; NY-Contact Hours/1.5 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.5 PR1, C5; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.5; OK (OBLADC)/1.5
This course defines Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and reviews how IPV manifests in relationships and how mental health practitioners should assess for IPV and intervene with both victims and perpetrators. This course also addresses elder abuse and assessing and intervening with elder abuse.
Digital Storytelling as a Narrative Intervention with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This course discusses how trauma negatively impacts the processing of one’s memories and experiences. Information is provided on the use of digital storytelling with survivors of intimate partner violence as a trauma narrative intervention.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Digital Storytelling as a Narrative Intervention with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This course discusses how trauma negatively impacts the processing of one’s memories and experiences. Information is provided on the use of digital storytelling with survivors of intimate partner violence as a trauma narrative intervention.
Digital Storytelling as a Narrative Intervention with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Presented by Kim Anderson, PhD, MSSW, LCSW
Course: #1351Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 Clinical; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Techniques, Counseling, CE Broker #20-784726; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Treatment Plan, Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 C5; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course discusses how trauma negatively impacts the processing of one’s memories and experiences. Information is provided on the use of digital storytelling with survivors of intimate partner violence as a trauma narrative intervention.
Clinical Intervention with Adoptive Parents: Challenges and Guidelines
This webinar identifies challenges adoptive parents often encounter when seeking adoption competent care from mental health professionals; predictable normative developmental issues adoptive parents and their families commonly experience; assumptions and mistakes clinicians often make in their work with adoptive parents; and guidelines for adoption competent clinical intervention with adoptive parents.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Clinical Intervention with Adoptive Parents: Challenges and Guidelines
This webinar identifies challenges adoptive parents often encounter when seeking adoption competent care from mental health professionals; predictable normative developmental issues adoptive parents and their families commonly experience; assumptions and mistakes clinicians often make in their work with adoptive parents; and guidelines for adoption competent clinical intervention with adoptive parents.
Clinical Intervention with Adoptive Parents: Challenges and Guidelines
Presented by Deborah H. Siegel, PhD, LICSW, DCSW, ACSW
Course: #1243Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 Clinical; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Theories, CE Broker #20-946673; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 C5, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This webinar identifies challenges adoptive parents often encounter when seeking adoption competent care from mental health professionals; predictable normative developmental issues adoptive parents and their families commonly experience; assumptions and mistakes clinicians often make in their work with adoptive parents; and guidelines for adoption competent clinical intervention with adoptive parents.
Person-in-Environment Amplified: Understanding the Role of ACEs in Clinical Conceptualization
This course will discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences as a clinical lens through which clinicians may understand the environment of a client and its impact on their development, understanding of relationships, and general functioning. This course will also cover the impact of ACEs on long-term health outcomes.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Person-in-Environment Amplified: Understanding the Role of ACEs in Clinical Conceptualization
This course will discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences as a clinical lens through which clinicians may understand the environment of a client and its impact on their development, understanding of relationships, and general functioning. This course will also cover the impact of ACEs on long-term health outcomes.
Person-in-Environment Amplified: Understanding the Role of ACEs in Clinical Conceptualization
Presented by Alison D. Peak, MSW, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #1656Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 Clinical; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Theories, CE Broker #20-701305; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (ICB)/1.0 Counselor I, Counselor II, Preventionist I, Preventionist II, CARS I, CARS II, CODP I, CODP II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CAAP II, CRSS I, CRSS II, CPRS I, CPRS II, MAATP I, MAATP II, CFPP II, ATE, CVSS II; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; IL EITP/1.0 0.5 Working With Families, 0.5 Atypical Development; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 P6, C4; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course will discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences as a clinical lens through which clinicians may understand the environment of a client and its impact on their development, understanding of relationships, and general functioning. This course will also cover the impact of ACEs on long-term health outcomes.
Solution-Focused Interventions with Trauma Survivors
This course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Solution-Focused Interventions with Trauma Survivors
This course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.
Solution-Focused Interventions with Trauma Survivors
Presented by Kim Anderson, PhD, MSSW, LCSW
Course: #1308Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 Clinical; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Counseling Techniques, Counseling, CE Broker #20-774008; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 C2, C7; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course combines knowledge from trauma theory and solution-focused practice to offer effective strengths-based strategies to positively impact change in survivors of family violence. Populations include; survivors of domestic violence relationships, child abuse, and sexual assault.
The Role of Race and Diversity in Work with Children in Child Welfare
This course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
The Role of Race and Diversity in Work with Children in Child Welfare
This course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.
The Role of Race and Diversity in Work with Children in Child Welfare
Presented by Alison D. Peak, MSW, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #1786Level: Intermediate1 Hour
CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Cultural Diversity, Social And Cultural Foundations, Knowledge Of Sociological Factors, CE Broker #20-773674; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; IL EITP/1.0 0.25 Intervention, 0.5 Working With Families, 0.25 Atypical Development; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services, Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 CC, C5; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
This course will examine the intersectionality of culture and trauma for children in the child welfare system. The course will look at the role of culture in symptomology, presentation to services, treatment interventions and for the treatment team.
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Presented by Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L
Course: #1162Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 General; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Professional Responsibilities, Crisis Response, Counseling, CE Broker #20-850947; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MI (MCBAP)/1.0 Related; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Clinical Intake And Screening, Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 PR1, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.