State Requirement Info
3 courses found
Harm Reduction Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment: Clinical Interventions and Ethical Considerations
In this course, participants learn about harm reduction, its specific clinical applications and policy connotations, and the ethical implications of such approaches to substance abuse treatment.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Harm Reduction Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment: Clinical Interventions and Ethical Considerations
In this course, participants learn about harm reduction, its specific clinical applications and policy connotations, and the ethical implications of such approaches to substance abuse treatment.
Harm Reduction Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment: Clinical Interventions and Ethical Considerations
Presented by Lauren Dennelly, PhD, MSW, LCSW
Course: #1915Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 Ethics; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Ethics, CE Broker #20-1242338; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (ICB)/1.0 Counselor I, Counselor II, Preventionist I, Preventionist II, CARS I, CARS II, CODP I, CODP II, PCGC II, CCJP II, CAAP I, CAAP II, CRSS I, CRSS II, CPRS I, CPRS II, MAATP I, MAATP II, CFPP II, CVSS II; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Counseling Services, Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 C2, C9; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
In this course, participants learn about harm reduction, its specific clinical applications and policy connotations, and the ethical implications of such approaches to substance abuse treatment.
Pennsylvania Act 31 of 2014: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training
This webinar is designed to meet the biennial licensure renewal requirements for Pennsylvania healthcare licensees. Content includes the nature of the child welfare system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the aspects of child abuse in Pennsylvania law, potential indicators of child abuse, the provisions and responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse, and how to make appropriate referrals to the child welfare system. This course was updated in 2020 to include new information required due to changes in the law.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Pennsylvania Act 31 of 2014: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training
This webinar is designed to meet the biennial licensure renewal requirements for Pennsylvania healthcare licensees. Content includes the nature of the child welfare system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the aspects of child abuse in Pennsylvania law, potential indicators of child abuse, the provisions and responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse, and how to make appropriate referrals to the child welfare system. This course was updated in 2020 to include new information required due to changes in the law.
Pennsylvania Act 31 of 2014: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training
Presented by David Stein, PhD, SLP
Course: #1117Level: Introductory2 Hours
ASWB ACE/2.0 General; CA (CAADE)/2.0; CA (CADTP)/2.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/2.0; CE Broker/2.0 Professional Responsibilities, Crisis Response, CE Broker #20-1288038; CE Hours/2.0; CT (CCB)/2.0; GA (ADACBGA)/2.0; IACET/0.2; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/2.0; MO (MCB)/2.0; NAADAC/2.0 Legal Ethical And Professional Development, Documentation And Record-keeping; NBCC CE Hours/2.0; NY-Contact Hours/2.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/2.0 PE, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/2.0; OK (OBLADC)/2.0; PA-AbuseEd/2.0
This webinar is designed to meet the biennial licensure renewal requirements for Pennsylvania healthcare licensees. Content includes the nature of the child welfare system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the aspects of child abuse in Pennsylvania law, potential indicators of child abuse, the provisions and responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse, and how to make appropriate referrals to the child welfare system. This course was updated in 2020 to include new information required due to changes in the law.
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Counseling
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.
Elder Abuse and Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Your Role
Presented by Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L
Course: #1162Level: Intermediate1 Hour
ASWB ACE/1.0 General; CA (CAADE)/1.0; CA (CADTP)/1.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Professional Responsibilities, Crisis Response, Counseling, CE Broker #20-850947; CE Hours/1.0; CT (CCB)/1.0; GA (ADACBGA)/1.0; IACET/0.1; IL (MFT CE Sponsor)/1.0; MI (MCBAP)/1.0 Related; MO (MCB)/1.0; NAADAC/1.0 Clinical Intake And Screening, Counseling Services; NBCC CE Hours/1.0; NY-Contact Hours/1.0 Self-Study; OH (OCDP)/1.0 PR1, TR1; OK (LPC/LMFT)/1.0; OK (OBLADC)/1.0
Elder abuse and neglect and child abuse and neglect are harsh realities. This course will identify the physical, clinical, and behavioral indicators of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse needed to identify and report to appropriate agencies. Participants will gain an improved awareness of warning signs of abuse, the clinician's role in reporting abuse, and the steps for reporting abuse and getting proper assistance.