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Health And Safety Courses for Early Childhood Educators

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59 courses found

Preventing and Responding to Violence, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association
Presented by Charlotte Hendricks, PhD, Shane Meserve, MPA
Course: #32614Level: Introductory2 Hours
A potentially violent situation can occur anytime and anywhere, often without warning. In this course, participants will explore potentially violent situations in early childhood settings, appropriate responses, and recovery steps in case a traumatic event occurs. This course is presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.

Through Thick and Thin: Use of Thickeners in Children with Swallowing Disorders
Presented by Angela Mansolillo, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Course: #32584Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Infants and children with swallowing disorders often use thickened liquids to increase their swallow safety and comfort. This course provides educators with information regarding thickener types, uses, and precautions to ensure consistent implementation in home, educational, and center-based settings.

Bed Bugs, Pinworms, and Other Home Pests
Presented by Charlotte Hendricks, PhD
Course: #32612Level: Introductory1 Hour
Head lice, pinworms, and other pesky critters are a common nuisance in homes with young children. Learn what they are and how to advise families on treating and preventing infestation.

Bed Bugs, Pinworms, and Others, Oh My!
Presented by Charlotte Hendricks, PhD
Course: #32582Level: Introductory1 Hour
Head lice, pinworms, and other pesky critters are a common nuisance in ECE settings. Learn what they are and how to treat and prevent infestation in your program.

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health is Everybody’s Business
Presented by Sherrie Segovia, PsyD
Course: #32495Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Infant Mental Health (IMH) offers an important framework for anyone working with young children and their families. This course will fully describe IMH and highlight key strategies to effectively support families with young children.

A Leadership Approach for Staff Training on Safety and Supervision
Presented by Heather Olsen, EdD
Course: #32497Level: Advanced1 Hour
The most important responsibility of any early education program manager/educator is the proper supervision and care of the children in their care. This responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child requires an administrative leader who can provide staff support.

Techniques and Tips for Supervision During Play
Presented by Heather Olsen, EdD
Course: #32494Level: Introductory1 Hour
We know young children learn through play. This course is filled with supervision tips, play strategies, and suggestive items for supervision techniques.

Evacuation in ECE Settings: Everyone Out!
Presented by Charlotte Hendricks, PhD
Course: #32443Level: Introductory1 Hour
Evacuation may be necessary in case of fire, flooding, utility disruption, violence, or other situations. Learn how to safely and quickly get children to a safe area, and ensure their safety and well-being while waiting for family pickup.

Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma: Recognition, Prevention, and Long-term Impact
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #32421Level: Intermediate1.5 Hours
This course meets the requirements of many state licensing standards to support the awareness, recognition, and education of Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (PAHT). This course provides information on signs, symptoms, and prevention efforts to address PAHT.

Oopsie Daisies! Plants and Safety in the Classroom
Presented by Charlotte Hendricks, PhD
Course: #32289Level: Introductory1 Hour
Plants in the early childhood setting provide beauty, shade, and food, as well as shelter for animals and insects. Help young children learn to appreciate and care for plants in a safe manner.

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