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Searching all 105 courses
ACEs: Understanding Trauma in Children's Lives
This course provides information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. After a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study learners will take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom. Finally, learners will consider the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs. Please note: This course series is comprised of the following individual recordings: #31194, #31196, and #31202
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
ACEs: Understanding Trauma in Children's Lives
This course provides information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. After a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study learners will take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom. Finally, learners will consider the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs. Please note: This course series is comprised of the following individual recordings: #31194, #31196, and #31202
ACEs: Understanding Trauma in Children's Lives
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #31235Level: Introductory3 Hours
AK/3.0; AL/3.0; AZ Registry/3.0; CA Registry/3.0; CO/3.0; CT/3.0; DE/3.0; FL/3.0; GaPDS-ASO/3.0; HI/3.0; IA Registry/3.0; IACET/0.3; ID Stars/3.0; IL Gateways/3.0 B345755; IN/3.0; KS/3.0; KY ECE-TRIS/3.0; MA/3.0; ME/3.0; MI Registry/3.0; MSDE/3.0 CKO-157185, Child Development; NC DCDEE/3.0; NE/3.0; NH/3.0; NJCCIS/3.0; NV Registry/3.0; NY/3.0; OH/3.0; OK Registry/3.0; OR/3.0; PA Keys/3.0; SC Endeavors/3.0; SD/3.0; TX/3.0; UT/3.0; VA/3.0; VT NLCCV/3.0; WA STARS/3.0; WI Registry/3.0; WY Stars/3.0
This course provides information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. After a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study learners will take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom. Finally, learners will consider the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs. Please note: This course series is comprised of the following individual recordings: #31194, #31196, and #31202
Screen Time: Supporting Young Children and Their Families in the Digital Age
New research and a fresh outlook by the American Academy of Pediatrics confirm that screen time for young children is rapidly increasing at younger ages. This course will provide strategies for staying current on this rapidly evolving topic. In addition, it will provide attendees with tools for supporting caregivers of today’s youngest and most vulnerable media users.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Screen Time: Supporting Young Children and Their Families in the Digital Age
New research and a fresh outlook by the American Academy of Pediatrics confirm that screen time for young children is rapidly increasing at younger ages. This course will provide strategies for staying current on this rapidly evolving topic. In addition, it will provide attendees with tools for supporting caregivers of today’s youngest and most vulnerable media users.
Screen Time: Supporting Young Children and Their Families in the Digital Age
Presented by Stacey Landberg, MS, CCC-SLP
Course: #31226Level: Introductory1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0
New research and a fresh outlook by the American Academy of Pediatrics confirm that screen time for young children is rapidly increasing at younger ages. This course will provide strategies for staying current on this rapidly evolving topic. In addition, it will provide attendees with tools for supporting caregivers of today’s youngest and most vulnerable media users.
The ACEs of the Educator: Utilizing Reflective Capacity to Address the Self of the Educator
This course is the 3rd in a 3 part series investigating the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the early childhood classroom. This course considers the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
The ACEs of the Educator: Utilizing Reflective Capacity to Address the Self of the Educator
This course is the 3rd in a 3 part series investigating the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the early childhood classroom. This course considers the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs.
The ACEs of the Educator: Utilizing Reflective Capacity to Address the Self of the Educator
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #31202Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
This course is the 3rd in a 3 part series investigating the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the early childhood classroom. This course considers the impact of an educator’s own ACEs on their interactions in a classroom and the role of reflective capacity in addressing these ACEs.
ACEs in the Classroom: Addressing Early Trauma in an Early Childcare Setting
This course will provide a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and its impact on understanding early childhood development and brain architecture. The course will then take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
ACEs in the Classroom: Addressing Early Trauma in an Early Childcare Setting
This course will provide a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and its impact on understanding early childhood development and brain architecture. The course will then take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom.
ACEs in the Classroom: Addressing Early Trauma in an Early Childcare Setting
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #31196Level: Introductory1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
This course will provide a brief overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and its impact on understanding early childhood development and brain architecture. The course will then take an in-depth look at the behavioral manifestations of children with high ACEs and ways to navigate those behaviors and needs in the classroom.
Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness: Self-Care for Educators
In order to teach the whole child, we need an understanding of stress and trauma and their impacts on learning, as well as the importance of self-care to keep us sustained. Participants will be able to identify rising levels of stress, understand trauma, and employ self-care tools to bring them back to effectiveness and wholeness.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness: Self-Care for Educators
In order to teach the whole child, we need an understanding of stress and trauma and their impacts on learning, as well as the importance of self-care to keep us sustained. Participants will be able to identify rising levels of stress, understand trauma, and employ self-care tools to bring them back to effectiveness and wholeness.
Stress, Trauma and Mindfulness: Self-Care for Educators
Presented by Nicole Steward, MSW, RYT
Course: #31193Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; PA Keys/1.0; SC Endeavors/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WA STARS/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
In order to teach the whole child, we need an understanding of stress and trauma and their impacts on learning, as well as the importance of self-care to keep us sustained. Participants will be able to identify rising levels of stress, understand trauma, and employ self-care tools to bring them back to effectiveness and wholeness.
ACEs: Research for Understanding the Early Experiences of Young Children
This course will provide information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. ACEs provide an accessible template to understanding the role of trauma in early childhood development and the capacity for relationships to mitigate the impact of trauma.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
ACEs: Research for Understanding the Early Experiences of Young Children
This course will provide information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. ACEs provide an accessible template to understanding the role of trauma in early childhood development and the capacity for relationships to mitigate the impact of trauma.
ACEs: Research for Understanding the Early Experiences of Young Children
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #31194Level: Introductory1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
This course will provide information regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on early childhood development, brain architecture, and health outcomes. ACEs provide an accessible template to understanding the role of trauma in early childhood development and the capacity for relationships to mitigate the impact of trauma.
Unilateral Hearing Loss: Advocating for Children through Early Intervention Services and in the Classroom
This course will discuss the challenges of unilateral conductive hearing loss, why one good ear is not good enough, and why choosing a bone conduction hearing device such as the Oticon Medical Ponto can help improve hearing loss. Information will be provided on how advocacy in the classroom along with help from early intervention services can help children benefit during the critical years of development and beyond.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Unilateral Hearing Loss: Advocating for Children through Early Intervention Services and in the Classroom
This course will discuss the challenges of unilateral conductive hearing loss, why one good ear is not good enough, and why choosing a bone conduction hearing device such as the Oticon Medical Ponto can help improve hearing loss. Information will be provided on how advocacy in the classroom along with help from early intervention services can help children benefit during the critical years of development and beyond.
Unilateral Hearing Loss: Advocating for Children through Early Intervention Services and in the Classroom
Presented by Melissa Tumblin, Mary Humitz, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA
Course: #31190Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
This course will discuss the challenges of unilateral conductive hearing loss, why one good ear is not good enough, and why choosing a bone conduction hearing device such as the Oticon Medical Ponto can help improve hearing loss. Information will be provided on how advocacy in the classroom along with help from early intervention services can help children benefit during the critical years of development and beyond.
Read with Me! Engaging Parents as Partners in Early Literacy Development
Participants in this course will learn to use, and teach parents to use, six interactive reading strategies that have been proven to enhance reading, talking, social, and cognitive skills for young children across a variety of ability levels. Interactive demonstrations, booklists, parent handouts, and lesson ideas will be provided – everything you need to implement these practical, proven strategies in your professional setting.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Read with Me! Engaging Parents as Partners in Early Literacy Development
Participants in this course will learn to use, and teach parents to use, six interactive reading strategies that have been proven to enhance reading, talking, social, and cognitive skills for young children across a variety of ability levels. Interactive demonstrations, booklists, parent handouts, and lesson ideas will be provided – everything you need to implement these practical, proven strategies in your professional setting.
Read with Me! Engaging Parents as Partners in Early Literacy Development
Presented by Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP
Course: #31172Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; KY ECE-TRIS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; PA Keys/1.0; SC Endeavors/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WA STARS/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
Participants in this course will learn to use, and teach parents to use, six interactive reading strategies that have been proven to enhance reading, talking, social, and cognitive skills for young children across a variety of ability levels. Interactive demonstrations, booklists, parent handouts, and lesson ideas will be provided – everything you need to implement these practical, proven strategies in your professional setting.
Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism
Selective mutism is a childhood anxiety disorder which results in great difficulty speaking in school or community settings. Dr. Kotrba will provide information on what selective mutism is, how to assess for selective mutism characteristics, and what teachers and caregivers can do to support and help children.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism
Selective mutism is a childhood anxiety disorder which results in great difficulty speaking in school or community settings. Dr. Kotrba will provide information on what selective mutism is, how to assess for selective mutism characteristics, and what teachers and caregivers can do to support and help children.
Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism
Presented by Aimee Kotrba, PhD
Course: #31173Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; NC DCDEE/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; PA Keys/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
Selective mutism is a childhood anxiety disorder which results in great difficulty speaking in school or community settings. Dr. Kotrba will provide information on what selective mutism is, how to assess for selective mutism characteristics, and what teachers and caregivers can do to support and help children.
Developmental Foundations of Handwriting
The skill of handwriting requires postural control, motor control, bilateral coordination, visual perception, visual motor skills, grip patterns, language development and social emotional skills. This course is designed to delve into each of area to understand child development in context to handwriting. The main focus is on developmental activities for each foundational skill area to promote prewriting skills.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Early Childhood Education
Developmental Foundations of Handwriting
The skill of handwriting requires postural control, motor control, bilateral coordination, visual perception, visual motor skills, grip patterns, language development and social emotional skills. This course is designed to delve into each of area to understand child development in context to handwriting. The main focus is on developmental activities for each foundational skill area to promote prewriting skills.
Developmental Foundations of Handwriting
Presented by Dena Bishop, OTR/L
Course: #31154Level: Introductory2 Hours
AK/2.0; AL/2.0; AZ Registry/2.0; CA Registry/2.0; CO/2.0; CT/2.0; DE/2.0; FL/2.0; GaPDS-ASO/2.0; HI/2.0; IA Registry/2.0; IACET/0.2; ID Stars/2.0; IL Gateways/2.0 B345755; IN/2.0; KS/2.0; MA/2.0; ME/2.0; MI Registry/2.0; MN Develop/2.0; MSDE/2.0 CKO-157185, Child Development; NC DCDEE/2.0; NE/2.0; NH/2.0; NJCCIS/2.0; NV Registry/2.0; NY/2.0; OH/2.0; OK Registry/2.0; OR/2.0; PA Keys/2.0; SC Endeavors/2.0; SD/2.0; TX/2.0; UT/2.0; VA/2.0; VT NLCCV/2.0; WA STARS/2.0; WI Registry/2.0; WY Stars/2.0
The skill of handwriting requires postural control, motor control, bilateral coordination, visual perception, visual motor skills, grip patterns, language development and social emotional skills. This course is designed to delve into each of area to understand child development in context to handwriting. The main focus is on developmental activities for each foundational skill area to promote prewriting skills.