Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Courses for Early Childhood Educators


148 courses found

State Approval Information for Kentucky

The following courses on Continued Early Childhood Education are approved by the Kentucky ECE-TRIS Registry.

If you are looking for courses to meet your state teacher licensing requirements, please refer to your state department of education for information on acceptable courses. Meanwhile, feel free to search our library for courses that may be helpful to your professional development.

View Kentucky Approval Information
Children, Families, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Presented by Dan Dubovsky, MSW
Course: #31158Level: Intermediate2 Hours
This course examines the importance of recognizing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in children who are struggling and why typical approaches to behaviors are not effective. Brain structures involved are discussed with their impact on behavior. This course then explores how and why approaches need to be modified for children who are affected, and the importance of all involved providing the same approach.

Nothing I Do Works! Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Challenging Behavior
Presented by Barbara Kaiser, MA
Course: #31152Level: Intermediate3 Hours
This course is designed to help people who are working with children with challenging behaviors by bridging the gap between research and practice. When you recognize that a child's challenging behavior is rooted in biological and environmental factors and not a desire to ruin your day, it becomes possible for you to figure out what the child needs to learn in order to succeed. You will learn to create a caring environment that recognizes and supports all children’s abilities and skills as a preventative measure to reduce challenging behavior. This course also recognizes that challenging behavior cannot always be prevented. This course will provide information and an opportunity to explore interventions that are research based and proven effective responses to a child's inappropriate behavior.

Critical Skills to Teach First
Presented by Liz Moore, MEd
Course: #31147Level: Introductory2 Hours
Students who have challenging behavior are often times missing essential critical skills. Prior to students being ready to learn, they need to have important critical skills to be successful in the learning environment. In this course, participants will focus on identifying why students misbehave and learn how to teach four critical skills (sitting, waiting, giving up items, and transitioning).

Screening, Assessment, and Evaluation: A Guide for Teachers
Presented by Amanda Schwartz, PhD
Course: #30668Level: Intermediate1 Hour
From a child's first day in a program, staff gather information about the best ways to meet his or her needs. Screening, assessment, and evaluation offer information for teaching, individualizing, and, when necessary, identifying a child for additional services.

Visual Supports
Presented by Kimberly Norris, BS, MEd
Course: #30566Level: Introductory1 Hour
Visual supports are especially helpful to use with young children who have autism or who may have communication difficulties. This course will describe designing and utilizing visual supports in the early childhood classroom.

Keeping Children and Staff Healthy: Ways to Manage the Spread of Illness
Presented by Amanda Schwartz, PhD
Course: #30675Level: Introductory1 Hour
Young children are more likely to catch and spread minor illnesses as they build their ability to fight infections. Early education programs can do a lot to manage the spread of disease by promoting healthy behaviors and keeping spaces clean.

The Decline of Play Outdoors in Children - And the Rise in Sensory Issues
Presented by Angela Hanscom, MOT, OTR/L
Course: #30568Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course offers several strategies to help children thrive in outdoor environments using a therapeutic approach to nature play. Angela Hanscom uses the same philosophy that lies at the heart of her popular TimberNook program - that nature is the ultimate sensory experience, and that psychological and physical health improves for children when they spend time outside on a regular basis - as she provides these strategies.

Noise and Hearing Safety in Early Childhood Education
Presented by Frank Wartinger, AuD
Course: #30567Level: Introductory1 Hour
This session will overview pediatric audiology and the role hearing has on child development. The signs of acquired hearing loss will be discussed, as well as methods to monitor sound levels and prevent Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

Trouble with Transitions? 5 Essential Ways to Prevent Challenging Behavior
Presented by Barb O'Neill, MEd, EdD
Course: #30448Level: Introductory1 Hour
Consistent use of preventative strategies is the only way to break out of daily struggles with children who refuse to clean up, come inside, take their turn in the bathroom or lay down for nap. You'll learn the 5 essential strategies for preventing challenging behavior during classroom transitions and be guided in implementing them in a way that works for you and your class.

How to Grow a Young Child's Music Brain
Presented by Carol Flexer, PhD, CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVT
Course: #30450Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course summarizes research about the impact of music on brain development and offers practical suggestions for encouraging families to incorporate music into everyday life for infants and young children. Information about early music milestones will be offered, and links will be provided to music resources readily available to professionals and families.

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