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Special Needs Courses for Early Childhood Educators

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64 courses found

Autism Basics
Presented by Kimberly Norris, BS, MEd
Course: #30562Level: Introductory1 Hour
This course will examine autism through the lens of child development. The diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 will be defined for the learner.

A Fine Motor Review: The Early Years (birth to 5 years)
Presented by Marina Calarco, MS, MS, OTR/L
Course: #30449Level: Introductory1 Hour
This is a beginner course to introduce the new teachers, or the teacher starting out in early intervention, to fine motor skills for the young child (0-5 years). This course will focus on research, milestones, and activities.

Critical Skills to Teach First - Part 1
Presented by Liz Moore, MEd
Course: #30560Level: Introductory1 Hour
Students who have challenging behavior are often times missing essential critical skills. Prior to students being ready to learn, they need to have important critical skills to be successful in the learning environment. This presentation is a two part series. Part 1 will focus on identifying why students misbehave and the four critical skills (sitting, waiting, giving up items, and transitioning). Participants will also learn strategies for teaching the first critical skill, sitting.

Feeding Tips for Young Children
Presented by Tara Warwick, MS, OTR/L
Course: #30587Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course will provide participants with the developmental stages of feeding. Participants will also complete this course with practical tips for teaching young children how to eat.

Safety Tips for Young Children
Presented by Tara Warwick, MS, OTR/L
Course: #30588Level: Introductory1 Hour
The following presentation guides the participant through tips on how to prevent accidents and injuries in the car, home, and at play for young children. A special section will also be presented specifically for wandering in children with autism.

Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders in Young Children
Presented by Jane Madell, PhD, CCC-A/SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Course: #30445Level: Advanced1 Hour
Children learn by listening to things around them. If children do not hear speech clearly because of hearing loss or auditory processing disorders, they will have difficulty learning. This workshop will help early childhood educators learn how to recognize auditory processing disorders in children in their classroom and offer management suggestions.

Managing the Child with Hearing Loss in the Mainstream Classroom
Presented by Jane Madell, PhD, CCC-A/SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT
Course: #30446Level: Advanced1 Hour
With newborn hearing screening identifying hearing loss at birth, and the advances in hearing technology, 85% of children with hearing loss are now educated in mainstream classrooms. This course will assist regular classroom teachers in understanding hearing loss and how to maximize learning for children with hearing loss in their classrooms.

Identification and Diagnosis of Hearing Loss in Preschool Children: What the Early Childhood Educator Should Know About Hearing, Part 2
Presented by James W. Hall III, PhD
Course: #30444Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Strategies for early identification of hearing loss in preschool children are reviewed including risk factors and formal hearing screening options. Then, procedures and protocols for diagnosis of hearing loss in preschool children are described.

Types and Causes of Hearing Loss in Preschool Children: What the Early Childhood Educator Should Know About Hearing, Part 1
Presented by James W. Hall III, PhD
Course: #30443Level: Intermediate1 Hour
The hearing system is reviewed briefly, with an emphasis on the middle and inner ear. Then, common causes for hearing loss in preschool children are identified and their influence on communication development and educational performance is described.

How to Grow a Young Child's Listening Brain
Presented by Carol Flexer, PhD, CCC-A, LSLS Cert. AVT
Course: #30440Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Using a research to practice format, this course will describe hearing and listening from a neurological perspective. Practical suggestions will be offered for enriching an infant, toddler and young child's auditory brain for the attainment and advancement of listening, spoken language and literacy skills.

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