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35 courses found
Troubleshooting Mechanical Ventilator Alarms and Alarm Fatigue
Mechanical ventilator alarms are vital for monitoring patients and the ventilator's status. The Joint Commission addresses this patient safety issue by including alarm safety as a National Patient Safety Goal. The course reviews alarm fatigue occurring when practitioners ignore important alerts, risking harm to patients, and it is crucial to set them correctly based on patient conditions and standards to ensure safety.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Troubleshooting Mechanical Ventilator Alarms and Alarm Fatigue
Mechanical ventilator alarms are vital for monitoring patients and the ventilator's status. The Joint Commission addresses this patient safety issue by including alarm safety as a National Patient Safety Goal. The course reviews alarm fatigue occurring when practitioners ignore important alerts, risking harm to patients, and it is crucial to set them correctly based on patient conditions and standards to ensure safety.
Troubleshooting Mechanical Ventilator Alarms and Alarm Fatigue
Presented by Duane Reed, EdD, RRT, RCP
Course: #1931Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-951729; IACET/0.1
Mechanical ventilator alarms are vital for monitoring patients and the ventilator's status. The Joint Commission addresses this patient safety issue by including alarm safety as a National Patient Safety Goal. The course reviews alarm fatigue occurring when practitioners ignore important alerts, risking harm to patients, and it is crucial to set them correctly based on patient conditions and standards to ensure safety.
It's Your Favorite... Ventilator Graphics!
Review the basics of ventilator waveforms, including time scalars and loops. Discuss interventions with abnormal waveforms.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
It's Your Favorite... Ventilator Graphics!
Review the basics of ventilator waveforms, including time scalars and loops. Discuss interventions with abnormal waveforms.
It's Your Favorite... Ventilator Graphics!
Presented by Kelly Massa, BHS, RRT-NPS
Course: #1883Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1092688; IACET/0.1
Review the basics of ventilator waveforms, including time scalars and loops. Discuss interventions with abnormal waveforms.
Mechanical Power at a Glance
Mechanical power pertains to the energy applied to the lungs of mechanically ventilated patients. We discuss approaches to minimizing mechanical power and the sequelae of excessive mechanical power.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Mechanical Power at a Glance
Mechanical power pertains to the energy applied to the lungs of mechanically ventilated patients. We discuss approaches to minimizing mechanical power and the sequelae of excessive mechanical power.
Mechanical Power at a Glance
Presented by Keith Lamb, RRT, RRT-ACCS, FAARC, FCCM
Course: #1840Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1079180; IACET/0.1
Mechanical power pertains to the energy applied to the lungs of mechanically ventilated patients. We discuss approaches to minimizing mechanical power and the sequelae of excessive mechanical power.
Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation: A Physiologic and Historical Perspective
The essence of weaning is that critically-ill patients can resume unassisted breathing when minute ventilation demands and mechanical disturbances in the pulmonary system improve enough that their respiratory muscles can handle increased workloads without developing fatigue. Therefore, this lecture explains how respiratory muscle physiology is impacted by pulmonary disease and also how ventilator strategies either facilitate or stymie weaning. Both aspects are essential for clinicians to master the art of weaning.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation: A Physiologic and Historical Perspective
The essence of weaning is that critically-ill patients can resume unassisted breathing when minute ventilation demands and mechanical disturbances in the pulmonary system improve enough that their respiratory muscles can handle increased workloads without developing fatigue. Therefore, this lecture explains how respiratory muscle physiology is impacted by pulmonary disease and also how ventilator strategies either facilitate or stymie weaning. Both aspects are essential for clinicians to master the art of weaning.
Liberation from Mechanical Ventilation: A Physiologic and Historical Perspective
Presented by Rich Kallet
Course: #1786Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1041124; IACET/0.1
The essence of weaning is that critically-ill patients can resume unassisted breathing when minute ventilation demands and mechanical disturbances in the pulmonary system improve enough that their respiratory muscles can handle increased workloads without developing fatigue. Therefore, this lecture explains how respiratory muscle physiology is impacted by pulmonary disease and also how ventilator strategies either facilitate or stymie weaning. Both aspects are essential for clinicians to master the art of weaning.
Sixty Years of Mechanical Ventilation in the Treatment of ARDS: What Lessons Should We Have Learned and Where Might We Be in 2042
We largely think about mechanical ventilation focused on the future, at the cost of not appreciating how past practices still influence current understanding about the care we give: often to our detriment. This lecture is a story of how we arrived at this moment and describes how artificial intelligence might revolutionize how we deliver care in the near future.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Sixty Years of Mechanical Ventilation in the Treatment of ARDS: What Lessons Should We Have Learned and Where Might We Be in 2042
We largely think about mechanical ventilation focused on the future, at the cost of not appreciating how past practices still influence current understanding about the care we give: often to our detriment. This lecture is a story of how we arrived at this moment and describes how artificial intelligence might revolutionize how we deliver care in the near future.
Sixty Years of Mechanical Ventilation in the Treatment of ARDS: What Lessons Should We Have Learned and Where Might We Be in 2042
Presented by Rich Kallet, MS, RRT, FCCM, FAARC
Course: #1784Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1041440; IACET/0.1
We largely think about mechanical ventilation focused on the future, at the cost of not appreciating how past practices still influence current understanding about the care we give: often to our detriment. This lecture is a story of how we arrived at this moment and describes how artificial intelligence might revolutionize how we deliver care in the near future.
Assessment of Pulmonary Mechanics by Measuring Transpulmonary Pressure
Using airway pressure measurements to assess potential lung injury is limited because it represents stress applied to both the lung and chest wall. This lecture describes the technique of measuring esophageal pressure to isolate lung stress, and uses a clinical scenario to demonstrate how this helps setting the ventilator in severe ARDS.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Assessment of Pulmonary Mechanics by Measuring Transpulmonary Pressure
Using airway pressure measurements to assess potential lung injury is limited because it represents stress applied to both the lung and chest wall. This lecture describes the technique of measuring esophageal pressure to isolate lung stress, and uses a clinical scenario to demonstrate how this helps setting the ventilator in severe ARDS.
Assessment of Pulmonary Mechanics by Measuring Transpulmonary Pressure
Presented by Rich Kallet, MS, RRT, FCCM, FAARC
Course: #1785Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1041450; IACET/0.1
Using airway pressure measurements to assess potential lung injury is limited because it represents stress applied to both the lung and chest wall. This lecture describes the technique of measuring esophageal pressure to isolate lung stress, and uses a clinical scenario to demonstrate how this helps setting the ventilator in severe ARDS.
Troubleshooting with Ventilator Graphics: Obstructive Physiology
Interpreting ventilator graphics can yield valuable real-time data in patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. This course helps demystify the complexities of troubleshooting obstructive airflow physiology and trending changes in severity using ventilator scalars.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Troubleshooting with Ventilator Graphics: Obstructive Physiology
Interpreting ventilator graphics can yield valuable real-time data in patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. This course helps demystify the complexities of troubleshooting obstructive airflow physiology and trending changes in severity using ventilator scalars.
Troubleshooting with Ventilator Graphics: Obstructive Physiology
Presented by Justin Phillips, BS, RRT-ACCS
Course: #1823Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1043008; IACET/0.1
Interpreting ventilator graphics can yield valuable real-time data in patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. This course helps demystify the complexities of troubleshooting obstructive airflow physiology and trending changes in severity using ventilator scalars.
Setting PEEP and Bedside Assessment of Lung Recruitability
Various methods have been developed over the past half-century to set and evaluate the effects of PEEP. This presentation describes the 6 methods used to assess both lung recruitment and deleterious effects of PEEP.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Setting PEEP and Bedside Assessment of Lung Recruitability
Various methods have been developed over the past half-century to set and evaluate the effects of PEEP. This presentation describes the 6 methods used to assess both lung recruitment and deleterious effects of PEEP.
Setting PEEP and Bedside Assessment of Lung Recruitability
Presented by Rich Kallet, MS, RRT, FAARC, FCCM
Course: #1787Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1040984; IACET/0.1
Various methods have been developed over the past half-century to set and evaluate the effects of PEEP. This presentation describes the 6 methods used to assess both lung recruitment and deleterious effects of PEEP.
Mechanical Ventilation Weaning in Pediatric Patients
Children can be safely and efficiently weaned from mechanical ventilation and then successfully extubated. This introductory course reviews weaning guidelines and methods during the various phases of mechanical ventilation.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Mechanical Ventilation Weaning in Pediatric Patients
Children can be safely and efficiently weaned from mechanical ventilation and then successfully extubated. This introductory course reviews weaning guidelines and methods during the various phases of mechanical ventilation.
Mechanical Ventilation Weaning in Pediatric Patients
Presented by Duane Reed, EdD, RRT, RCP
Course: #1803Level: Introductory1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-1094122; IACET/0.1
Children can be safely and efficiently weaned from mechanical ventilation and then successfully extubated. This introductory course reviews weaning guidelines and methods during the various phases of mechanical ventilation.
Mechanical Power During Mechanical Ventilation: What, How, Why, presented in partnership with the Society of Mechanical Ventilation
This course describes the concept of mechanical power and how to calculate it. The course discusses the role of mechanical power in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $99/year
Continued Respiratory Therapy
Mechanical Power During Mechanical Ventilation: What, How, Why, presented in partnership with the Society of Mechanical Ventilation
This course describes the concept of mechanical power and how to calculate it. The course discusses the role of mechanical power in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).
Mechanical Power During Mechanical Ventilation: What, How, Why, presented in partnership with the Society of Mechanical Ventilation
Presented by Ehab Daoud, MD, FACP, FCCP
Course: #1686Level: Advanced1 Hour
AARC - CRCE/1.0; CE Broker/1.0 Direct Delivery Of Respiratory Care Services, CE Broker #20-974678; IACET/0.1
This course describes the concept of mechanical power and how to calculate it. The course discusses the role of mechanical power in ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).