What is meant by "levels of prevention" in addressing the opioid crisis?
Levels of prevention can be categorized into primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention, each addressing different aspects of the opioid crisis. Primary prevention focuses on going upstream and addressing factors at the big-picture level, far from the emergency situation. This includes community education, policy changes, and initiatives to reduce stigma surrounding addiction.
Moving on to secondary prevention, the focus shifts to more immediate interventions for addressing addiction and substance use. This includes measures like needle exchanges, medication-assisted treatment and safe houses, and proper disposal of unused opioids.
At the tertiary level, the emphasis is on providing support and care for individuals. This involves fostering empathy and caring, introducing evidence-based interventions, establishing psychosocial support structures, and facilitating access to support groups.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course, The Opioid Crisis: A Sociological Perspective, by Sophie Nathenson, PhD.