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Exam Preview

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace

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1.  An example of a psychologically safe work environment is one where
  1. Employees feel their opinions are welcome and valued
  2. Employees feel afraid to speak up
  3. Everyone sits in a circle and sings kumbaya
  4. Employees are encouraged to voice their
2.  In a board meeting, someone speaks up about something they disagree with. Their colleagues respond with ridicule. This is an example of
  1. Quiet quitting
  2. Psychological safety
  3. A toxic work environment
  4. A form of bonding through joking.
3.  A colleague tells another colleague that their work is not up to par but will not say why they do not like their work. This is NOT an example of
  1. Bullying
  2. Inappropriate behavior
  3. Psychological safety
  4. Ridicule
4.  Unconscious bias is also known as
  1. Implicit bias
  2. Silent bias
  3. Biased bias
  4. Explicit bias
5.  Janet is a Black woman, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and member of the LGBTQ community. This is an example of
  1. Conscious bias
  2. Unconscious bias
  3. Intersectionality
  4. Psychological Safety
6.  Creating a Psychologically Safe work environment is essential because
  1. This ensures that employees have thick skin and will quit if they cannot cope
  2. Bullying and making others feel bad is how we succeed
  3. Muting those who do not feel comfortable speaking up reduces noise in meetings
  4. Allowing everyone the opportunity to speak makes them feel empowered and appreciated
7.  Sherry expressed a new idea in a meeting but was ignored. Jon spoke up and expressed the same idea as Sherry, but his idea was accepted, appreciated, and implemented instead of ignored. This is an example of
  1. Inclusive communication
  2. Unconscious bias
  3. Targeting
  4. Psychological safety
8.  Peter is given negative feedback on a project he worked on with Paul but was not given any examples on why his manager felt he did not do a good job. Paul was not given any feedback on his work at all. Peter should
  1. Gossip to the team about why he thinks he received negative feedback
  2. Blame Paul for the negative feedback
  3. Ask his manager why he received negative feedback and discuss what could be done differently next time
  4. Quit his job
9.  Alex Jones is a new employee at your company. You have not met them yet and there is no picture of them posted in the company directory. How do you address them in an email?
  1. Mr. Jones
  2. Mrs. Jones
  3. Ms. Jones
  4. Alex
10.  At work, if you have a story to tell about your experience, you should
  1. Stay focused on the importance of the experience and be clear/concise
  2. Tell them your whole life’s story
  3. Talk about people inappropriately
  4. Speak casually, as if you were speaking to friends/family

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