Continued Counseling Phone: 866-970-4840

Exam Preview

Therapeutic Strategies for Counseling Complex Patients within a Pediatric Hospital Setting

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1.  What simple but powerful strategy can be used to facilitate further discussion and relieve anxiety/discomfort?
  1. Challenging assumptions
  2. Summarizing
  3. Normalizing
  4. Reframing
2.  Reflective language allows a provider to:
  1. Normalize the experience of the client or patient
  2. Show the client or patient that the provider is wanting to work together and is open to correction if any wrong assumptions are made
  3. Provide the client or patient insights on how the provider perceives the situation
  4. Place enough stress on the client or patient that they will challenge their own beliefs
3.  Asserting your educational background/training to emphasize why the family should listen to you, AKA being the “finger-wagger” has been shown to be:
  1. Neither effective or ineffective in producing health behavior change by itself
  2. Likely to open families up to a discussion of their challenges
  3. A positive strategy for reducing barriers to medical adherence
  4. Often ineffective in producing lasting, meaningful behavioral change
4.  Addressing multicultural identity in a patient interaction is likely to:
  1. Increase resistance to adhering to medical recommendations
  2. Lead to anger or embarrassment with your patient and the family
  3. Facilitate a discussion of how the patient’s background and lived experiences are impacting them
  4. Lead to resistance from the family
5.  Intersectionality is…
  1. Experienced in only marginalized populations
  2. A certain view or perspective that is influenced by your own biases
  3. Recognizing and acknowledging other cultures
  4. The meeting point of various cultural identities
6.  Microaggressions, which are indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a group...
  1. Occur rarely, yet can feel like a “raindrop that doesn’t know it is part of a typhoon”
  2. Can have a positive impact despite negative intentions
  3. Are often purposefully directed to individuals of certain racial or ethnic backgrounds
  4. Contribute to the experience of chronic, race-based stress in Black/Indigenous People of Color
7.  Motivational Interviewing can be best described as a way to:
  1. Elicit behavior change by exploring and resolving ambivalence
  2. Allow an individual to free associate until they come up with different alternatives to their problem
  3. Motivate an individual to make change rapidly
  4. Increase the likelihood that an individual will maintain abstinence
8.  Eliciting change talk can be really helpful to get patients to discuss barriers and motivational challenges. For example, asking a patient “why are you a ‘7’ and not a ‘3’?” Does which of the following:
  1. Supports the patient in exploring reasons to make changes in their behavior(s)
  2. Supports the patient in exploring reasons to avoid making changes in their behavior(s)
  3. Allows a patient to understand their motivations for maintaining the status quo
  4. Helps the patient to make an argument for pursuing activities that will bring their number closer to 10.
9.  An effective communicative technique to utilize with caregivers when providing medical advice is to:
  1. Review your training background
  2. Inform the caregiver on the number of patients you have worked with
  3. Ask for permission to provide additional information
  4. Work directly with the patient or client rather than with the caregiver
10.  Thinking about where a patient is in the “stages of change” model can be helpful to determine how and to what degree a patient and their family should be counseled. Which of the following stages of change show that an individual is aware of a problem but have no current commitment to action?
  1. Pre-contemplation
  2. Preparation
  3. Action
  4. Contemplation

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