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Exam Preview

Adolescent Development: Addiction, Ethics, and Research Supervision

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1.  Peter's parents caught him drinking alcohol with a couple of his friends and now they're worried. They think his alcohol use might turn into a long-term problem. Which of the following best illustrates the nature of adolescent drug use?
  1. Many adolescents experiment with alcohol in high school without growing into adult alcoholics
  2. Adolescent alcohol use is the first sign of long-term problems with drugs
  3. Adolescent alcohol use is a clear indication of permissive parenting techniques
  4. Genetics are the only factor that can determine whether an adolescent will experiment with drug use
2.  _______________ is an example of an internalizing disorder; _______________ is an example of an externalizing disorder.
  1. Depression; psychosomatic disturbance
  2. Anxiety; delinquency
  3. Drug and alcohol abuse; delinquency
  4. Truancy; psychosomatic disturbance
3.  When two problems occur together, such as substance abuse and depression, it is referred to as:
  1. comorbidity
  2. coexisting
  3. coterminous disorder
  4. parallel diagnoses
4.  According to social control theory, delinquency is caused by:
  1. unconventionality in the adolescent’s personality
  2. an inherited predisposition toward deviance
  3. biologically based differences in arousal and sensation-seeking
  4. a lack of bonds to the family, the school, or the workplace
5.  Which one of the following is NOT one of the four principles on problems in adolescence?
  1. Most problems of adolescence have to do with the non-permanent, transient, experimentation that is likely to occur during this stage of life.
  2. Not all problems that we see in adolescence begin in adolescence.
  3. Most problems that can be observed in adolescence continues into adulthood.
  4. Problem behavior that is observed during adolescence is not caused by adolescence.
6.  Internalizing disorders can be defined as:
  1. dependence on an addictive substance such as alcohol or other drugs
  2. problems that are turned inward such as with emotional and cognitive stressors
  3. problems which can be observed in the actions and behaviors that an individual performs, such as by displays of aggression or delinquency
  4. a behavior that is performed to intentionally harm someone
7.  Externalizing disorders can be defined as:
  1. dependence on an addictive substance such as alcohol or other drugs
  2. problems that are turned inward such as with emotional and cognitive stressors
  3. problems which can be observed in the actions and behaviors that an individual performs, such as by displays of aggression or delinquency
  4. a behavior that is performed to intentionally harm someone
8.  Problems that are turned inward such as with emotional and cognitive stressors are called:
  1. internalizing disorders
  2. externalizing disorders
  3. substance abuse
  4. aggression
9.  Which of the following is NOT a theory that was presented on why adolescent problem behaviors are comorbid?
  1. Problem behavior syndrome
  2. Problem clusters
  3. Social control theory
  4. Comorbid behavior theory
10.  Three take-home messages about adolescent behaviors surrounding alcohol and drug use included all the following EXCEPT:
  1. Moderate alcohol and marijuana use has become normative among adolescents.
  2. Alcohol and marijuana are substances that are typically used in social situations.
  3. Better-adjusted and more interpersonally competent young people are likely to participate in social activities in which alcohol and drugs may be present.
  4. Socially awkward and interpersonally incompetent young people are more likely to experiment with alcohol and drugs than those adolescents who are not socially awkward and competent.
11.  Which of the following is NOT the correct order of the steps of a research project?
  1. Review the literature, develop a research question, develop a hypothesis
  2. design a study, IRB approval, collect data
  3. Collect data, design a study, IRB approval
  4. Analyze and interpret data, report findings, use findings for future studies
12.  Rachel would like to conduct a study in which she will give a survey to people over the internet about anxiety and then analyze the results. What must Rachel do before she collects survey data?
  1. Analyze and interpret the data
  2. Get IRB approval
  3. Design a study
  4. Develop a research question
13.  The act of generating ideas and testing them by making observations is called:
  1. the scientific method
  2. a theory
  3. IRB approval
  4. a hypothesis
14.  Fred collected data and found that his data does not confirm his hypothesis. What should Fred do next?
  1. Keep and/or refine the current theory.
  2. Reject or modify the current theory.
  3. Write about his results.
  4. Modify his hypothesis to fit his data.
15.  A good theory should be all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. internally consistent
  2. falsifiable
  3. supported by data
  4. generate contradictory hypotheses

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