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What is PURPLE Crying?

Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E

January 15, 2023



What is PURPLE crying?


The Crying Curve

In 1991, Barr, Kenner, et al. conducted a study examining infant crying to determine what happens, what it means for babies to be fussy, and how bad it is. The study found that generally, crying peaks in intensity and frequency at about six weeks old and then decreases. That study is usually referred to as the crying curve. Now, while the study found that, generally, crying peaks at six weeks and then decreases, that crying curve looks different for all babies. Even in stable, sustainable, consistent, and predictable caregiving environments, some babies just cry more, and others don't cry as much. While they may also reach their peak at six weeks, they may not have cried as much to begin with, and then also cry even less after that six-week mark. But, pretty consistently, crying increases and peaks at about six weeks and then dissipates from there forward.

The information gained from the crying curve established some containment that the experience of "fussy" crying was, to some extent, predictable and typical. We can say that the first six weeks will be rough, but it'll get better. We can't say how much better or exactly when, but we know it decreases after the first six weeks. That gives some normalcy to this process. The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome used this initial information from the crying curve to develop the awareness campaign called PURPLE Crying.


PURPLE is an acronym that stands for:

  • PEAK of Crying
  • Unexpected
  • Resists Soothing
  • Pain-Like Face
  • Long Lasting
  • Evening

We know there will be a peak of crying in the first six weeks, which can often be unanticipated. For example, everything seemed fine, and now they're crying for the next 45 minutes, they're not easily soothed, they appear quite distressed, and it can last a while, more commonly in the evening hours. The Period of PURPLE Crying is a period of time, so the awareness campaign hopes to emphasize that this is a typical early childhood development phase, much like biting. No one loves that, and it's not a fun phase. If you've ever been the caregiver of a kiddo who was a biter, you know we want this phase to be over quickly. It is a typical early childhood development phase that we can name and talk about. We can normalize that this event occurs in early childhood and parenting. When we name a thing, we can contain a thing. It also emphasizes that there's an end. That end may not be today. Tomorrow may only be marginally better. But the reality is that there will be an end.

Pediatric abusive head trauma most often occurs during this intense six-week crying curve of the Period of PURPLE Crying. Parents often report higher-than-average stress around crying when they perceive their baby to be fussy. Whether that baby's actually crying more or less than other babies does not matter. Parents will report increased stress because they perceive their children to be fussy. Some of this can also come from a parent's background or cultural expectations of whether children should be seen and not heard. Is there an expectation that babies obey even when they're very young? By this kind of excessive perceived crying, what does that say about this baby? Is this baby going to be a problem child? Is this baby going to disrupt life as I expected it?

I have heard parents say, "See, this baby already won't listen to me. How am I supposed to parent them when they get older?" That's pretty common. Perceptions of babies begin before birth and are often connected to parents' experiences as a child and to their thoughts about being a parent. One of the things we often wonder about in this space is, who is this baby, and who is this baby to me?

This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma: Recognition, Prevention, and Long-term Impactpresented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E.

alison d peak

Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E

Alison D. Peak, LCSW is the Executive Director of Allied Behavioral Health Solutions in Nashville, TN. Alison has spent the majority of her career dedicated to two primary passions: integrated behavioral health services in primary care settings and Infant Mental Health. Alison is privileged to be a member of ZERO TO THREE 2020-2022 Fellows and to work alongside state and national colleagues to further Infant and Early Childhood services and workforce development.  Clinically, Alison is passionate about working with families with children who are adopted, who have histories of early trauma, and families with infants/very young children.

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