CDA Credential - Family Child Care, Part 4
Course: #31822Level: IntroductorySubject Area: Building productive relationships with families 10 Hours 53 ReviewsThis course is one of twelve courses that together comprise a 120-hour package of coursework designed for acquiring a new Family Child Care CDA Credential. Each course includes 10 hours of content. Courses are labeled “CDA Credential - Family Child Care, Part 1” through “CDA Credential - Family Child Care, Part 12” and may be completed in any order. This course focuses on topics related to CDA Subject Area 4, Building Productive Relationships with Families.
On Demand
Course Type: Video
CEUs/Hours Offered: AK/10.0; AL/10.0; AZ Registry/10.0; CA Registry/10.0; CO/10.0; CT/10.0; DE/10.0; FL/10.0; GaPDS-ASO/10.0; HI/10.0; IA Registry/10.0; IACET/1.0; ID Stars/10.0; IL Gateways/10.0 B345755; IN/10.0; KS/10.0; MA/10.0; ME/10.0; MI Registry/10.0; MN Develop/10.0; MOPD/10.0; NE/10.0; NH/10.0; NJCCIS/10.0; NV Registry/10.0; NY/10.0; OH/10.0; OK Registry/10.0; OR/10.0; SD/10.0; TX/10.0; UT/10.0; VA/10.0; VT NLCCV/10.0; WA STARS/10.0; WI Registry/10.0; WY Stars/10.0
Learning Outcomes
- Participants will be able to explain the importance of communication and ways early childhood professionals can positively impact communication with children, families, and colleagues.
- Participants will be able to recognize cultural differences in families from different backgrounds and describe ways to promote a positive relationship with them.
- Participants will be able to describe effective ways to engage families to support children both at home and in school.
Course created on January 9, 2020
0-60 Minutes | It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It (Family-Centered Practice & Teaming); Tara Warwick, MS, OTR/L |
60-120 Minutes | Kids Haven't Changed but Parents Have: Tips and Strategies for Connecting with Millennial Parents; Karen Deerwester, MA, EdS |
120-180 Minutes | Read with Me! Engaging Parents as Partners in Early Literacy Development; Shari Robertson, PhD, CCC-SLP |
180-240 Minutes | Teaching Parent Strategies on Facilitating Language Development in Toddlers and Preschoolers; Megan Kapcar, BS, MA, CCC-SLP; Brynn Hanson, BS, BA, MS, CCC-SLP; Brian Fisher, BS, MS, CCC-SLP |
240-300 Minutes | Cultural Awareness in Working with Latino Families; Anarella Cellitti, PhD |
300-360 Minutes | Families As Partners - Making Family Engagement Truly Meaningful & Authentic; Luis Hernandez, MA |
360-420 Minutes | Cultural Competence With Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, and Questioning Individuals; Sara Pullen, DPT, MPH |
420-480 Minutes | Broaching the Topic of Race: Engagement with Children and Families Across Racial and Cultural Divides; Marva Lewis, PhD |
480-540 Minutes | Family Engagement for Children with Disabilities and/or Special Health Care Needs; Amanda Schwartz, PhD |
540-600 Minutes | Generating IMPACT through Family Engagement, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association; J. Michael Hall, MEd |
53 ReviewsPresented By
Tara Warwick
Tara Warwick, MS, OTR/L, is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy in 2000 and completing her Master’s degree in rehabilitation sciences with an emphasis in pediatrics in 2005. She has spent her entire career focusing on improving the quality of services for children, primarily targeting children with autism. She currently co-owns a pediatric therapy practice called Today’s Therapy Solutions and is a consultant for the Oklahoma Autism Center through the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center – Child Study Center. Tara’s specialties include working with children with autism and challenging behavior. She has extensive experience and expertise in behavior management, sensory processing, self-care training (potty training, eating/feeding, dressing, play, etc.), and assistive technology. She has conducted trainings and provided consultations for schools, parents and health and child care professionals all across the state.
Karen Deerwester
Owner of Family Time, Inc.
Karen Deerwester is the owner of Family Time Coaching & Consulting, the director at Family Time classes at B’nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton and the host of the weekly podcast See Me Hear Me Love Me. Karen is the author of three parenting books: The Entitlement-Free Child (Sourcebooks 2009), The Playskool Guide to Potty Training (Sourcebooks 2008), and The Potty Training Answer Book (Sourcebooks 2007) which won the 2008 NAPPA Gold Award for parenting resources. Karen has also appeared on numerous TV and radio programs including MSNBC, NBC, and NPR, as well as contributed parenting/early childhood advice to Parents Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Real Simple, Women’s Day, and Essence Magazine.
Shari Robertson
Shari Robertson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is a Professor of Speech Language Pathology and Provost’s Associate at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Robertson spent 18 years as a school-based SLP and supervisor prior to obtaining her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is the current president-elect of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Shari has published numerous articles, book chapters, and clinical materials and presented several hundred workshops at state, national, and international venues related to language and literacy.
Megan Kapcar
Megan Kapcar, MA, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Outpatient Northern Kentucky Satellite. Her area of interest and expertise is in treating children and adolescents with apraxia, autism and language impairments. She also specializes in early intervention, ages birth to three years old, as well as treating Oromyfunctional Disorders. Megan has previously worked within the school setting with children ages preschool to 8th grade, who have various diagnoses. She is the previous Chair for the Birth-Three Team and a contributing member of the Oromyofunctional Disorder Team.
Brynn Hanson
Brynn Hanson MS, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Outpatient Eastgate Satellite. Her area of interest and expertise is in treating children and adolescents with autism, apraxia and language impairments. She also specializes in early intervention, age birth to three-years-old, and augmentative communication. Brynn has previously worked within the school setting with children with various diagnoses. She is the previous Chair for the Birth-Three Team, an active member of the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Team, a contributing member to the Autism Team, and serves as the Communication Lead for Group Therapy in the Division of Speech-Language Pathology.
Brian Fisher
Brian Fisher, MA, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Outpatient Fairfield Satellite. His area of interest and expertise is in treating children and adolescents with apraxia, autism, language impairments, and auditory processing. He also specializes in early intervention, age birth to three years old. He is the previous chair for the Birth-Three Team.
Anarella Cellitti
Dr. Anarella Cellitti has an undergraduate degree in education from the Instituto Universitario Pedagógico de Caracas. Her PhD and MEd degrees in elementary/early childhood education are from the University of South Carolina. In addition, she holds an MA degree in psychology from the University of Houston, Victoria. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. In addition, she holds a Psychological Examiner License as well as International Medical Interpreter License. Her work as an educator covers teaching preschool, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Dr. Cellitti's work also includes doing therapy and assessments with children and adolescents. In addition, she has worked as a medical interpreter for ten years. Her presentations and publications represent her dedication to work with dual-language learners. Dr. Cellitti is very involved in community initiatives and is an advocate for language access of minority populations.
Luis Hernandez
interests. At the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), he has been active in developing professional and leadership development opportunities. He currently serves on the Advisory Board of the McCormick Tribune Center for Early Childhood Leadership, the United Way's Center for Excellence in Early Childhood. He has served on the Boards of Parents As Teachers, the Florida Children’s Forum, the Child Care Workforce, the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), PSP- Parent Services Project in California, and the National Latino Children’s Institute and in advancing the goals of the World Forum on Early Care and Education. Lastly, Luis is proud to serve as Trustee on the Board of Hampshire
College in Amherst Massachusetts, his undergraduate alma mater.
Sara Pullen
Dr. Pullen is an Associate Professor at Emory University School of Medicine, where she coordinates the service learning program and the pro bono physical therapy clinic. Dr. Pullen’s clinical practice and research focuses on the intersection of HIV, chronic pain and opioid use, especially in underserved areas. Dr. Pullen started the first physical therapy clinic within a freestanding, multi-service AIDS clinic in the southeastern U.S. where she holds weekly clinics and conducts clinical research. She has wide experience in the provision of health services to underserved communities both in the U.S. and internationally. She has published several peer-reviewed journals on the topic of HIV and physical therapy, and provided the HIV content of the two major study guides for the physical therapy national board licensure exam. In 2015, she received the IPT-HOPE Award from the World Congress of Physical Therapy for her work in the field of HIV and physiotherapy. In 2018, she received the Emory University School of Medicine’s prestigious Hidden Gem Award for her groundbreaking work with HIV and chronic pain in vulnerable communities.
Marva Lewis
Dr. Lewis earned a PhD in Sociocultural Psychology and is an Associate Professor at Tulane University School of Social Work in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is Adjunct Faculty at Fielding University in the doctoral program in Infant Mental Health. She completed her dissertation with Dr. Robert Emde and Dr. O. J. Harvey at University of Colorado, Boulder and a post-doctoral Zero to Three fellowship with Drs. Joy Osofsky and Charles Zeanah at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. She serves as a consultant with the Infant Toddler Court Program (ITCP) focusing on reducing racial disparities in child welfare. She is a member of the National ITCP Leadership team and currently President of the Louisiana Infant Mental Health Association. She is the Founder and Director of the Center for Natural Connections (CNC) that provides programs centered on the everyday routine of combing hair as an opportunity for parents to connect with their children, culture, and community. CNC interventions address the legacy Colorism from the historical trauma of slavery and parental acceptance or rejection of children. In 2017 Dr. Lewis co-authored the Ubunto Program for Emotional Wellness web-based curriculum for the Take Action for Health national initiative that uses culturally valid, community-based strategies to heal from historical trauma as well as everyday modern stressors facing African American communities. This curriculum has been translated into Spanish as, Compartiendo el Café y Chocolate for Latino.
Amanda Schwartz
Amanda Schwartz, Ph.D. is an educator and Federal contractor who has worked at national, regional, state, and local levels. While her expertise is focused on special education, health, early childhood education, and family engagement, Dr. Schwartz has worked on program management and emergency preparedness issues related to children and families. As a team member on several Federal projects, Dr. Schwartz worked in technical assistance, resource development, research, and monitoring. Throughout her career, Dr. Schwartz has developed professional development opportunities and publications to facilitate the use of research-based interventions and support data-driven decision-making by practitioners, technical assistance providers, and Federal staff in the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.
J. Michael Hall
J. Michael Hall is the father of two sons (a high school teacher and a marketing director) and the husband to a beautiful middle school reading teacher. Mr. Hall has been a special education teacher, a teacher of the gifted and talented, and an intermediate and middle school principal. As an educator, speaker, and founder of Strong Fathers-Strong Families, he has presented to more than 225,000 fathers and parents at local schools, Head Starts, and regional and national conferences. J. Michael has worked with over 300 schools in Texas and in over 45 states with public schools and Head Starts.
“Mike” is also the current co-host of the Intentional Partnerships, a collaborative podcast in partnership with Lindsey Shah and the National Center for Parents as Teachers. He has written five different fatherhood curricula and is also a contributing author to the book on fathering entitled Why Fathers Count. He is considered one of the country’s foremost experts on working with fathers in schools and Head Starts. For his pioneering work in education, he was honored as a 2012 White House Champion of Change for his work in the fatherhood field around the nation.
Karen Deerwester: Financial: The presenter, Karen Deerwester, is receiving an honorarium for presenting this course. Karen Deerwester offers information and products of interest to Early Childhood Educators on her website,, including several books on related topics. No non-financial relationships to disclose.
Shari Robertson: Financial: Dr. Shari Robertson was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Dr. Robertson is the author of a number of books that expand on the Read With Me! techniques described in this course. She is also the author of a clinical manual related to the material provided in this presentation. Non-financial: Board of Directors/President-elect of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Megan Kapcar: Megan Kapcar: Financial: Megan Kapcar was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Brynn Hanson: Brynn Hanson was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Brian Fisher: Financial: Brian Fisher was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Anarella Cellitti: Financial: Anarella Cellitti was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Luis Hernandez: Financial: Luis Hernandez was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Sara Pullen: Financial: Sara Pullen was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Marva Lewis: Financial: Marva Lewis was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Amanda Schwartz: Financial: Amanda Schwartz was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
J. Michael Hall: Financial: J. Michael Hall was paid an honorarium for presenting this course. Non-Financial: There are no non-financial relationships to disclose.
Content Disclosure: This learning event does not focus exclusively on any specific product or service.
Course participation information
To ensure you are ready to participate, please complete our short Test Drive to prepare your computer to view the course.
NOTE: Full attendance for all courses is mandatory. Please view the entire course.
Passing an online exam and completing a course evaluation will be required to earn continuing education credit.
Live Webinars allow presenter and participant interaction. The exam and course evaluation for these courses must be completed within 7 days of the event.
On-demand courses include texts, video and audio recordings of live webinars, and multimedia formats. The exam and course evaluation for on-demand courses must be completed within 30 days of course registration.
To participate in the course, complete the exam and course evaluation, and earn continuing education credit, you must be a Continued Early Childhood Education member. Participants must complete the entire course; partial credit is not allowed.
Continued Early Childhood Education is committed to ensuring accessibility to the widest possible audience. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone. If you have questions, requests, or would like to report an accessibility-related issue, please email We will review your request and respond in a timely manner.
Visit our Contact us page or give us a call if you have questions.
Arizona Registry
This course is approved by the Arizona Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry
continued is an Approved Training Sponsor with the California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Georgia Professional Development System Approved Sponsor Organization
This course is state-approved by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning for child care providers. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Iowa Child Care Provider Training Registry
continued is approved to provide professional development for Iowa DHS child care credit. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
International Association for Continuing Education and Training
continued, LLC,is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). continued complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, continued is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. continued, LLC, is authorized by IACET to offer 1.0 CEUs for this program.
continued is an approved training provider for IdahoSTARS. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Illinois Gateways
continued is an Authorized Entity for the Illinois Gateways Registry, organization number B345755 . This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Michigan Registry
This course is approved by the Michigan Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Minnesota Center for Professional Development on the Develop Registry
This course is approved by the Minnesota Center for Professional Development on the Develop Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Missouri Professional Development System
This course has been approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Office of Childhood for child care licensing and MOPD registry credit. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
New Jersey Workforce Registry
continued is an approved Training Agency with the New Jersey Workforce Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Nevada Registry
This course has been approved by the Nevada Registry for child care licensing and registry credit. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Oklahoma Registry
This course is approved by the Oklahoma Registry. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Vermont Northern Lights
continued is an approved online training organization by Vermonts Northern Lights Career Development Center. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Washington STARS
continued is approved to provide professional development for Washington STARS training hours. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
The Registry - Wisconsin
This course has been approved by the Wisconsin Registry as registered training for child care licensing credit. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).
Wyoming Stars
This course has been approved by Wyoming Stars for child care licensing and registry credit. This course is offered for 10 clock hour(s).