The following courses on Continued Early Childhood Education may be used toward Ohio child care licensing requirements, as well as Ohio Professional Registry and Step Up To Quality requirements. To align courses with Ohio Approved status, members must submit their certificates of completion to the Ohio Professional Registry.
If you are looking for courses to meet your state teacher licensing requirements, please refer to your state department of education for information on acceptable courses.
1/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/running-childcare-center-during-covid-31890Running a Childcare Center During COVID-19Whether you are running a childcare center or a family childcare home, learn tips for keeping everyone safe. Ensure you have a clean space, minimal contact with outside individuals, and effective communication with families and staff.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood a Childcare Center During COVID-19Whether you are running a childcare center or a family childcare home, learn tips for keeping everyone safe. Ensure you have a clean space, minimal contact with outside individuals, and effective communication with families and staff.31890OnlinePT60M
Whether you are running a childcare center or a family childcare home, learn tips for keeping everyone safe. Ensure you have a clean space, minimal contact with outside individuals, and effective communication with families and staff.
2/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/trauma-responsive-and-resilience-building-31879Trauma Responsive and Resilience Building Strategies to Support Children,in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationExplore the neurobiology of trauma, the impact of toxic stress, and the science of resilience and neuroplasticity. Learn teaching strategies to use in your early childhood program, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Responsive and Resilience Building Strategies to Support Children,in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationExplore the neurobiology of trauma, the impact of toxic stress, and the science of resilience and neuroplasticity. Learn teaching strategies to use in your early childhood program, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.31879OnlinePT60M
Explore the neurobiology of trauma, the impact of toxic stress, and the science of resilience and neuroplasticity. Learn teaching strategies to use in your early childhood program, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.
3/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/early-childhood-oral-health-31884Early Childhood Oral HealthEarly childhood tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, more common than asthma or ear infections. Learn the newest concepts in early assessment and intervention in order to achieve optimal oral health for young children.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Childhood Oral HealthEarly childhood tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, more common than asthma or ear infections. Learn the newest concepts in early assessment and intervention in order to achieve optimal oral health for young children.31884OnlinePT60M
Early childhood tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, more common than asthma or ear infections. Learn the newest concepts in early assessment and intervention in order to achieve optimal oral health for young children.
4/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/lead-poisoning-prevention-in-partnership-31878Lead Poisoning Prevention, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationLead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, seizures, coma, and even death. Learn to identify and remove sources of lead in children’s environments, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Poisoning Prevention, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationLead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, seizures, coma, and even death. Learn to identify and remove sources of lead in children’s environments, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.31878OnlinePT60M
Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, seizures, coma, and even death. Learn to identify and remove sources of lead in children’s environments, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.
5/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/opening-culture-door-valuing-diversity-31870Opening the Culture Door: Valuing DiversityExplore how understanding the impact of cultural influences on both ourselves and the young children we work with can improve our ability to meet the needs of every child.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood the Culture Door: Valuing DiversityExplore how understanding the impact of cultural influences on both ourselves and the young children we work with can improve our ability to meet the needs of every child.31870OnlinePT60M
Explore how understanding the impact of cultural influences on both ourselves and the young children we work with can improve our ability to meet the needs of every child.
6/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/understanding-challenging-behaviors-practical-tools-31862Understanding Challenging Behaviors: Practical Tools and ResearchBetter understand and respond to common challenging behaviors of young children. Proactive tools based on theory and research will be shared to help support building a classroom community where children feel belonging and are motivated to cooperate.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Challenging Behaviors: Practical Tools and ResearchBetter understand and respond to common challenging behaviors of young children. Proactive tools based on theory and research will be shared to help support building a classroom community where children feel belonging and are motivated to cooperate.31862OnlinePT60M
Better understand and respond to common challenging behaviors of young children. Proactive tools based on theory and research will be shared to help support building a classroom community where children feel belonging and are motivated to cooperate.
7/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/working-with-children-disabilities-inclusion-31676Working with Children with Disabilities: Inclusion Works!, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationLearn about laws surrounding inclusion, best practices, and how to create supportive environments for young children with disabilities in early childhood settings. In partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association.textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood with Children with Disabilities: Inclusion Works!, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationLearn about laws surrounding inclusion, best practices, and how to create supportive environments for young children with disabilities in early childhood settings. In partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association.31676OnlinePT60M
Learn about laws surrounding inclusion, best practices, and how to create supportive environments for young children with disabilities in early childhood settings. In partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association.
8/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/learning-doesn-t-end-when-31851Learning Doesn’t End When Children Go OutdoorsYou know the value of outdoor time for physical development, but how can you use that valuable time to enhance children’s learning and support your curriculum? Learn ways to incorporate learning experiences in the outdoors.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Doesn’t End When Children Go OutdoorsYou know the value of outdoor time for physical development, but how can you use that valuable time to enhance children’s learning and support your curriculum? Learn ways to incorporate learning experiences in the outdoors.31851OnlinePT60M
You know the value of outdoor time for physical development, but how can you use that valuable time to enhance children’s learning and support your curriculum? Learn ways to incorporate learning experiences in the outdoors.
9/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/enhancing-your-playground-with-limited-31849Enhancing Your Playground with Limited FundsOutdoor time is a valuable time for children, but equipment can be very expensive. Learn how to enhance your playground without breaking your budget.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Your Playground with Limited FundsOutdoor time is a valuable time for children, but equipment can be very expensive. Learn how to enhance your playground without breaking your budget.31849OnlinePT60M
AK/1.0; AL/1.0; AZ Registry/1.0; CA Registry/1.0; CO/1.0; CT/1.0; DE/1.0; FL/1.0; GaPDS-ASO/1.0; HI/1.0; IA Registry/1.0; IACET/0.1; ID Stars/1.0; IL Gateways/1.0 B345755; IN/1.0; KS/1.0; KY ECE-TRIS/1.0; MA/1.0; ME/1.0; MI Registry/1.0; MOPD/1.0; NE/1.0; NH/1.0; NJCCIS/1.0; NV Registry/1.0; NY/1.0; OH/1.0; OK Registry/1.0; OR/1.0; PA Keys/1.0; SC Endeavors/1.0; SD/1.0; TX/1.0; UT/1.0; VA/1.0; VT NLCCV/1.0; WA STARS/1.0; WI Registry/1.0; WY Stars/1.0
10/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/safe-and-healthy-sleep-for-31847Safe and Healthy Sleep for Infants and Young Children, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationSafe sleep practices help reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs). Appropriate nap environments, sanitation, and routines help keep all young children safe and reduce the risk of infectious disease, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood and Healthy Sleep for Infants and Young Children, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationSafe sleep practices help reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs). Appropriate nap environments, sanitation, and routines help keep all young children safe and reduce the risk of infectious disease, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.31847OnlinePT60M
Safe sleep practices help reduce the risk of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs). Appropriate nap environments, sanitation, and routines help keep all young children safe and reduce the risk of infectious disease, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.