Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Supporting Teachers in Addressing Challenging Behavior: A Team Approach (a workshop for Directors & Administrators of EC programs)

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1.  Challenging Behavior is:
  1. Behavior that is occasionally disruptive
  2. The same for everyone
  3. Interferes with children's learning
  4. Is always aggressive behavior
2.  Directors need to understand that:
  1. All teachers find the same behavior challenging
  2. Attitudes about behavior are a result of a person's culture and experience
  3. Children with challenging behavior should be asked to leave
  4. There are usually at least 3 children with challenging behavior in every group
3.  What is a key element to effective leadership when there is a child with challenging behavior at the center/school?
  1. Being well informed
  2. Knowing what staff and families expect from you
  3. Having a positive outlook
  4. All of the above
4.  When working with a child with challenging behavior you and the staff need to set goals that are:
  1. Relevant
  2. Specific
  3. Measurable
  4. All of the above
5.  Parents want their communication with you to be:
  1. With their child's head teacher
  2. At the beginning of the day when they drop off their child
  3. At the end of the day when they are picking up their child
  4. By telephone
6.  How can a director enhance staff capacity to provide the best behavioral supports for all children?
  1. Tell teachers what to do to fix the problem
  2. Create a team that works together
  3. Understand each teacher's and family's reality
  4. B and C
7.  Which of the following is not a function of challenging behavior?
  1. To obtain something
  2. To irritate you
  3. To communicate
  4. To avoid or escape something
8.  Teachers respond more effectively to a child's challenging behavior when:
  1. The behavior pushes their buttons
  2. They understand the function of the behavior
  3. They like the child
  4. The behavior occurs during free play
9.  Educators resist change when:
  1. They are lazy
  2. They don't believe any changes will make a difference
  3. The change implies that the former way of doing things was wrong
  4. The idea is not theirs
10.  An effective strategy should:
  1. Help strengthen the relationship between the teacher and the child
  2. Help the child to learn how to self-regulate
  3. Result in long term changes in the child's behavior
  4. All of the above

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