Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

A Fine Motor Review: The Early Years (birth to 5 years)

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1.  Where should teachers try and deliver services?
  1. At the circus
  2. In the car on the way to other places
  3. In the teachers's home
  4. The child's natural environment
2.  When a child turns school age what should you do?
  1. Give at least 5 assessments
  2. Give as many assessments as you can
  3. Give an assessment after the child has adjusted to school
  4. Give no assessments
3.  There is plenty of evidence-based research out there on fine motor skills. No more needs to be done. Which of the following is the best response to these statements?
  1. True, nothing else needs to be done
  2. We need research in other areas but not in fine motor
  3. We could use more research
  4. Research is pointless
4.  Which of the following best describes when developmental milestones should be met?
  1. Exactly on time
  2. 2 months before the guidelines
  3. A year later
  4. Within a reasonable window of time
5.  What is one thing a 3-month old should be able to do?
  1. Follow a person with their eyes
  2. Put rings on pegs
  3. Feed themselves
  4. Be able to use scissors
6.  When working with your students which of the following should you do?
  1. Always have specialized toys
  2. Try and give parents and schools ideas with items they already have
  3. Give the parent or school a shopping list of things you need
  4. Buy the supplies you need yourself
7.  When addressing a child's sensory needs what should you do?
  1. Look at their daily routines and home and school
  2. Sensory is not important in children this young
  3. Observe
  4. A and C
8.  When working in schools, which of the following is best practice?
  1. All services should be completely separate
  2. Related services not given in school
  3. You should ignore kids who are new until they get adjusted
  4. Services should be integrated with the school curriculum
9.  Which of the following statements is true about the development of fine motor skills?
  1. Fine motor skill development only occurs through highly structured, adult-led lessons.
  2. You cannot assess a child's fine motor skills by observing.
  3. As long as children are making progress, they do not need to be referred for delays in fine motor skills.
  4. Vision is critical to fine motor skills, and observing children is a good way to assess their fine motor skills.
10.  What should treatment be based on?
  1. The parents input only
  2. The entire teams' input
  3. Your supervisors input
  4. What the child's sibling wants

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