Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Understanding Yourself and the Child's Challenging Behavior: Part 1: Nothing I Do Works!

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1.  What is one reason children engage in challenging behavior?
  1. Annoy you
  2. Hurt another child
  3. Avoid/Escape a situation or person
  4. Be first in line
2.  Which of the following is NOT an example of a biological risk factor?
  1. Temperament
  2. Gender
  3. Smoking while pregnant
  4. Poverty
3.  How does being resilient help you?
  1. Build trusting relationships with the children
  2. Be flexible
  3. Create a positive learning environment
  4. All of the above
4.  What should you do when a child pushes your buttons?
  1. Respond immediately
  2. Take a deep breath and count to 6
  3. Leave the room
  4. Move the child to another location
5.  Which of the following describes a child with challenging behavior?
  1. Can make you a better teacher
  2. Should be asked to leave the center/school
  3. Should be in a special class
  4. Cannot learn how to behave appropriately
6.  Why are the majority of children with challenging behavior boys?
  1. Boys are naturally aggressive
  2. Boys don't like school/daycare
  3. Boys are bigger than girls
  4. None of the above
7.  Which of the following is an environmental risk factor?
  1. Eating too much candy
  2. Cultural dissonance
  3. Being an only child
  4. Divorce/separation
8.  Which of the following describes children with an insecure attachment?
  1. Find it hard to develop trust
  2. Can never build a secure relationship
  3. Have a caring responsive primary caregiver
  4. Are culture bound
9.  Which of the following describes children who experience toxic stress?
  1. Are trying to push your buttons
  2. Will never learn how to behave appropriately
  3. Function in constant overdrive
  4. Have always experienced violence
10.  Which of the following is included in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
  1. A sense of belonging
  2. A feeling of safety and security
  3. Food, water, sleep and shelter
  4. All of the above

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