Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Keeping Children and Staff Healthy: Ways to Manage the Spread of Illness

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Why are children under 5 more likely to get sick?
  1. They may be coming into a child care center for the first time
  2. They are not immunized
  3. They are building immunities to illnesses that older children and adults may already have
  4. They are fragile
2.  What is an immunity?
  1. The ability to fight an infectious disease
  2. The ability to be exposed to an infectious disease without getting it
  3. The ability to become infected by a disease without showing symptoms
  4. The ability to prevent the spread of the disease
3.  Which word describes when you come into contact with infectious micro-organisms?
  1. Contamination
  2. Infection
  3. Bacteria
  4. Vaccine
4.  What is one of the best healthy habits to prevent the spread of illnesses?
  1. Sneezing into your hands
  2. Coughing without covering your mouth
  3. Wiping your nose on your sleeve
  4. Handwashing
5.  How long should you rub your hands with soap?
  1. 1 minute
  2. At least twenty seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice)
  3. 5 seconds
  4. 2 minutes
6.  When are the best times to conduct handwashing?
  1. Before and after eating
  2. After using the toilet
  3. After coming inside
  4. All of the above
7.  Which of the following words describes destroying and inactivating germs?
  1. Cleaning
  2. Sanitizing
  3. Disinfecting
  4. Immunizing
8.  Where should cleaners be stored?
  1. In a locked cabinet, out of children's reach
  2. On a shelf, out of children's reach
  3. Under the sink
  4. On the counter, out of children's reach
9.  Which of the following can be identified when doing a daily health check?
  1. What the child likes to eat
  2. When the child last went to the bathroom
  3. What games the child likes to play
  4. Changes in behavior
10.  When should a sick person stay home?
  1. When they have a fever of over 100.3 degrees or have vomited within than 24 hours
  2. When they are not immunized
  3. When they have a cough or mucous in their nose
  4. When they are sneezing

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