Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Responding Effectively to Challenging Behavior: Part 3: Nothing I Do Works!

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1.  Which is NOT a function of a child's behavior?
  1. To make you angry
  2. To get attention or an object
  3. To avoid an activity
  4. To make things more interesting
2.  Which of the following are included in the process of developing a positive behavior support plan?
  1. Identifying the behavior
  2. Convening a team
  3. Developing a best guess about the function of the behavior
  4. All of the above
3.  What does the A in ABC analysis stand for?
  1. Answers
  2. Attention
  3. Antecedents
  4. Attributes
4.  What do you get after completing the functional assessment process?
  1. The reason the child is displaying the challenging behavior
  2. How to stop the child's challenging behavior
  3. The information you need to develop an informed guess about the purpose of the challenging behavior
  4. Information about the how the child has grown up
5.  In the video during the webinar Josh was pushing children down outside on the playground. What is the likely function of this behavior?
  1. To escape the situation
  2. To obtain attention
  3. To change the level of stimulation
  4. To obtain an object
6.  Which teacher action would be best to help Josh change his behavior of pushing?
  1. Provide toys and materials Josh likes and pair him with a child he likes
  2. Tell Josh to find something else to do
  3. Change the time you go outside
  4. Tell Josh to stop pushing
7.  What might happen when you start to ignore a child's challenging behavior?
  1. It will stop immediately
  2. It may get worse before it gets better
  3. S/he may hurt him/herself
  4. The function is to change the level of stimulation
8.  Which of the following describes what should be done when you give a child a choice?
  1. The choice should include something he doesn't want to do
  2. Offer the choice and then walk away
  3. Raise your voice
  4. Stand next to the child until s/he complies
9.  Jenny and Anna are playing in the dramatic play center. Jenny hit Anna and took her doll. What is the likely function of Jenny's behavior?
  1. To avoid a situation
  2. To obtain attention
  3. To obtain an object
  4. To change the level of stimulation
10.  Which replacement behavior would be best to teach Jenny to help her appropriately meet her need?
  1. Add more dolls to the dramatic play center
  2. Tell Jenny to pick a different center to play in
  3. Teach Jenny to use words to ask for the doll
  4. Tell Jenny to play with someone else

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