Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Let's Talk Together: Communication Based Information and Strategies for the Young Learner

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1.  You tell a child, "Give me the book" and he follows that direction. Following the direction is an example of what type of language?
  1. Expressive language
  2. Cohesive language
  3. Receptive language
  4. Graded language
2.  If you ask a child, "What is that?" when pointing to a book and she answers with "Book," her ability to use the label for the item is an example of what type of language?
  1. Expressive language
  2. Practiced language
  3. Virtual language
  4. Nonsense language
3.  If you notice that a child is having difficulty producing the "s" sound correctly, what may be affected?
  1. Noise
  2. Speech
  3. Language
  4. Retraction
4.  If you notice that a child can not answer your questions correctly during story time, what may be affected?
  1. Speech production
  2. Speech imitation
  3. Language
  4. Speech Ease
5.  Using sign language with early learners is a strategy to use. Which of the following best describes the initial signs taught?
  1. Specific
  2. General
  3. Sign language is not a good strategy
  4. Random
6.  Expansion is a technique that early childhood professionals can use to model which of the following?
  1. Proper etiquette at meal time
  2. More complex communication
  3. Safety on the playground
  4. How to use crayons appropriately
7.  What strategy is modeled in the following example? Teacher - Wow you have a cool book there. What kind of book is it? Student: A book Teacher: Oh okay, what is the book called? Student: Llama Llama Teacher: Oh I see that. I love those books.
  1. Gross motor language
  2. Receptive language
  3. Contingent questions
  4. Fine motor questions
8.  Which is a red flag for autism?
  1. Answering questions appropriately
  2. Following teacher directions
  3. Counting to 10
  4. Lack of showing gestures
9.  Which would be considered a red flag for autism in the area of social impairment?
  1. Lack of appropriate eye gaze
  2. Saying bbb for ball
  3. Saying tutu for teacher
  4. Saying pop for pop
10.  Which would not be considered a red flag for autism?
  1. Repetitive movements with objects
  2. Not answering "What is your name?"
  3. Unusual prosody
  4. Playing with a variety of toys appropriately.

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