Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

How to Grow a Young Child's Music Brain

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1.  Where does spoken language develop from?
  1. Hearing
  2. Walking
  3. Writing
  4. Academics
2.  Where does the meaning of sound/music occur?
  1. Doorway
  2. Vibration
  3. Brain
  4. Ear
3.  What do human beings lack?
  1. Eyelids
  2. Synaptic connections
  3. Neurons
  4. Earlids
4.  What does brain research tell us about music and brains in babies?
  1. Processing of music and speech sounds can be improved by moving in synchrony to the rhythm of music
  2. Music increases movement in babies
  3. Newborns cannot detect the beat
  4. Communication and cognitive abilities are lessened
5.  When this was done to infants, they exhibited more altruistic behavior towards the experimenter?
  1. Bounced to a musical rhythm out of synchrony
  2. Bounced to a musical rhythm in synchrony
  3. Fed a bottle while listening to songs
  4. Wrapped tightly while listening to songs
6.  What can consistent use of music activities in the family do for young children?
  1. Sharpen early listening skills
  2. Develop neural pathways in the brain for language and reading
  3. Encourage emotional well-being and expression
  4. All of the above
7.  Which of the following can an infant who is 0-3 months of age do?
  1. Alert and calm to music
  2. Turn to the source of the music
  3. Begin to match pitch
  4. Demonstrate no identifiable awareness of music
8.  Based on musical milestones what is a typical 18-24 month old toddler able to do?
  1. Makes up songs
  2. Sings melody with pitch accuracy
  3. Able to imitate songs
  4. Matches pitches more consistently
9.  When selecting songs, what should parents look for?
  1. Traditional rhymes
  2. Action songs
  3. Nursery rhymes
  4. All of the above
10.  When thinking about pitch, what can a 6-9 month old typically do?
  1. Imitate songs
  2. Sing in different keys
  3. Sing with accurate pitch
  4. Occasionally match pitch

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