Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Nothing I Do Works! Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Challenging Behavior

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1.  Being resilient will help you to:
  1. Build trusting relationships with the children
  2. Be flexible
  3. Create a positive learning environment
  4. All of the above
2.  When a child pushes your buttons you need to:
  1. Respond immediately
  2. Take a deep breath and count to 6
  3. Leave the room
  4. Move the child to another location
3.  Children with an insecure attachment:
  1. Find it hard to develop trust
  2. Can never build a secure relationship
  3. Have a caring responsive primary caregiver
  4. Are culture bound
4.  Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes:
  1. A sense of belonging
  2. A feeling of safety and security
  3. Food, water, sleep and shelter
  4. All of the above
5.  One way to allow all children opportunities to succeed is to:
  1. Add transitions so children have more opportunities to practice
  2. Promote cooperative interactions
  3. Provide limited types of materials
  4. Use one method to teach
6.  Children need to have:
  1. A quiet space
  2. A lot of room to run around in the classroom
  3. Walls covered with their art work and other materials
  4. Uncontrolled access to all areas
7.  Which is NOT a function of a child's behavior?
  1. To make you angry
  2. To get attention or an object
  3. To avoid an activity
  4. To make things more interesting
8.  The functional assessment process will provide you with:
  1. The reason the child is displaying the challenging behavior
  2. How to stop the child's challenging behavior
  3. The information you need to develop an informed guess about the purpose of the challenging behavior
  4. Information about the how the child has grown up
9.  When you start to ignore a child's challenging behavior:
  1. It will stop immediately
  2. It may get worse before it gets better
  3. S/he may hurt him/herself
  4. The function is to change the level of stimulation
10.  When you give a child a choice:
  1. The choice should include something he doesn't want to do
  2. Offer the choice and then walk away
  3. Raise your voice
  4. Stand next to the child until s/he complies

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