Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

A Gardener's Perspective on the Learning Environment

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1.  Meaningful assessment includes which of the following?
  1. A defined set of assessment tools to be used in a particular order
  2. Tests that focus primarily on the use of worksheets to measure student skills
  3. A pre-conceived collection of "next steps" for student learning
  4. A variety of tools that measure students in different settings over time
2.  When are formal summative assessments generally used?
  1. Regularly each week to determine next steps in teaching
  2. At the end of a learning period to determine whether a student has achieved a targeted learning goal
  3. Based on a very specific learning timeline
  4. To support a research-based curriculum
3.  Which of the following describes the cycle of learning?
  1. Is an assessment tool that helps teachers individualize instruction
  2. Is a closed-system approach to teaching and learning
  3. Is based on a specific curriculum system
  4. Puts the child at the center of assessment and instructional planning
4.  When do children have the best opportunity to learn?
  1. When teachers realize one-size-fits-all teaching doesn't meet the needs of all children
  2. When teachers follow a lesson plan carefully and completely
  3. When teachers do assessments on all children every week
  4. When effective and regular assessments guide lesson planning
5.  The comparison of children to seedlings reminds us of which of the following?
  1. Typically developing children follow a common developmental path
  2. One-size-fits-all assessment and instruction does not meet the needs of all children
  3. Children's varying life experiences impact their learning experience
  4. All of the above
6.  Which of the following are environmental growth factors?
  1. Neighborhood child lives in
  2. Type of house child lives in
  3. Family and life experiences
  4. How many siblings child has
7.  According to Howard Gardner, what are learning styles?
  1. Intellectual abilities
  2. The ways in which an individual approaches a range of tasks
  3. What a person likes to learn about
  4. Our specific processing strengths
8.  How does effective instruction value diversity and culture?
  1. Including only American books, games, and pictures
  2. Labeling everything in English only
  3. Recognizing the effect of home language on the learning of English syntax and grammar
  4. Simply celebrating cultural holidays
9.  The comparison of a garden focal point to individualized instruction is meant to remind us of what?
  1. To prepare instruction considering diverse ages/stages or needs
  2. That individualized lessons should be focused on color and fun
  3. That classrooms need an attractive area to support one-on-one instruction
  4. That teachers need to stay focused on the individual needs of every child
10.  The use of a garden as a template for the classroom and learning reminds us of what?
  1. Some elements can be left out of the plan, without affecting the end product
  2. Certain elements play a more important role than others
  3. Each element plays a specific and important role in the creation of an effective and engaging environment
  4. Some elements are included, just to make the environment a fun place to be

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