Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

The ACEs of the Educator: Utilizing Reflective Capacity to Address the Self of the Educator

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1.  Which of the following best describes Attachment Theory?
  1. The relationship that develops between an infant child (0-36 months) and their primary caregiver
  2. The connection between an elementary age child and an adult
  3. How children read emotions of an adult
  4. The personality disposition that an infant is born with
2.  Helping professionals most typically fall in which attachment template?
  1. Secure
  2. Ambivalent
  3. Avoidant
  4. Disorganized
3.  Which of the following might be learned if a child has chronic stress in relationships?
  1. The world is a safe place
  2. Adults are always in charge
  3. I always have someone who can take care of me
  4. I (as the child) am the only one who can take care of myself
4.  Internal Working Models influence a child's development of which of the following?
  1. Early language development
  2. Sense of Self (I am good/bad, loved/unloved)
  3. Ability to differentiate strangers from family
  4. Social skills
5.  An educator's reflective capacity is directly related to which of the following?
  1. Salary
  2. Length of time at a job
  3. Child progress and communication with adults
  4. Children's physical health
6.  Which of the following best describes reflective capacity in early childhood?
  1. Hiding your emotions and pushing through the day
  2. Understanding where the tough emotions come from and addressing those emotions
  3. Loving every moment of your work
  4. Spending a lot of time reflecting on your emotions and talking to your coworkers about them throughout the day
7.  Which of the following is pre-school expulsion directly linked to?
  1. Rates of placement in high school Honors classes
  2. Likelihood of involvement in the juvenile justice system
  3. Parent satisfaction with early childhood programs
  4. Positive sense of self in the educator
8.  Reflective capacity can be increased as individuals through which of the following methods?
  1. Mindfulness
  2. A supportive employer
  3. Reflective supervision/consultation
  4. Paid time off
9.  Reflective capacity can be increased as a program through which of the following methods?
  1. Required therapy sessions for all employees
  2. Grounding
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Mindful Moments/Conscious Discipline
10.  Which of the following programmatic interventions were discussed in the course?
  1. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultaiton
  2. Reflective Supervision/Consultation
  3. Open conversations that encourage reflection and refrain from judgement and "shoulds"
  4. All of the above

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