Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Indoor Rainy Day, Snowy Day Fun

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1.  Which of the following is NOT a benefit of physical activity?
  1. Control weight
  2. Reduce risk for type 2 diabetes
  3. Reduce chances of living longer
  4. Strengthen bones and muscles
2.  Which of the following is a benefit of physical activity?
  1. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  2. Improved mental health and mood
  3. Improved ability to do daily activities
  4. All of the above
3.  The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (PAG), the first-ever publication of national guidelines for physical activity, was released in which year?
  1. 2008
  2. 2009
  3. 2010
  4. 2011
4.  How many minutes of physical activity should children get each day?
  1. 15 minutes or more
  2. 30 minutes or more
  3. 45 minutes or more
  4. 60 minutes or more
5.  Which of the following is an example of a muscle strengthening activity?
  1. Hop-scotch
  2. Swinging on playground equipment/bars
  3. Running
  4. Jumping
6.  Which of the following is a term used to describe a condition characterized by reduced levels of physical activity that are inconsistent with current public health recommendations?
  1. Attention deficit disorder
  2. Exercise deficit disorder
  3. Excessive technology disorder
  4. Lack of coordination disorder
7.  According to Fedewa and Soyeon, what type of exercise had the greatest effect on academic achievement and cognitive outcomes?
  1. Muscle strengthening
  2. Bone strengthening
  3. Aerobic
  4. None of the above
8.  Which of the following contributes to the lack of physical activity amongst children today?
  1. Decreases in physical education time and recess
  2. 50% of US children do not have a park, community center, or sidewalk in their neighborhood
  3. Increases in time spent a day using entertainment media (TV, computers, video games, cell phones, movies)
  4. All of the above
9.  Which activity helps with team work and problem solving?
  1. Musical chairs
  2. Scavenger hunts
  3. Charades
  4. Shadow dancing
10.  Which of the following was given as an example of how to celebrate Backward Day on January 31?
  1. Talk backwards
  2. Do a puzzle
  3. Do animal walks backwards
  4. Write backwards

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