Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Evacuation Considerations

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1.  Which of the following agencies is NOT involved in evacuation individuals with disabilities?
  1. FEMA
  2. Red Cross
  3. NAEYC
  4. American Association for People with Disabilities
2.  How many days supply of food does The Red Cross recommend be included in a Basic disaster supplies kit?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 14
3.  Which of the following is false?
  1. Review the evacuation plan at least every 6 months
  2. Replace smoke alarms every 10 years
  3. Restock the disaster supplies kit every 6 months
  4. Test your smoke alarms bi-monthly
4.  What are the four elements of evacuation information that individuals with disabilities need?
  1. Notification, Way finding, Use of the way, Assistance
  2. Medicine, Important papers, Cash, Food
  3. Compass, Flashlight, Pencil/Paper, Batteries
  4. When? What? Where? Who?
5.  What is a circulation path?
  1. Public transportation for evacuations for individuals with special needs
  2. A ventilated restroom
  3. A continuous and unobstructed way of travel from any point in a building or structure to a public way
  4. A circular path through a building
6.  Which picture is the international symbol of accessibility?
  1. Ear
  2. Exit sign
  3. Arrow
  4. Wheelchair
7.  What special requirements are needed for occupant notification systems for a person with a visual impairment?
  1. Bright flashing light
  2. Bright solid light
  3. Soft flashing light
  4. None
8.  When building an evacuation plan for a person with a mobility impairment, which of the following would be considerations?
  1. Can the individual negotiate stairs? Can the individual operate door locks and latches?
  2. Who will assist the individual in evacuating? What type of assistance is needed?
  3. Are there any circulation paths that are not usable for the individual? Are there signs directing to other, usable paths?
  4. All of the above
9.  Which of the following is recommended to alert an individual with a hearing impairment of a fire when asleep?
  1. A low intensity strobe light along with a pillow or bed shaker to wake them up and alert them to fire conditions so they can escape
  2. Tactile directional signs
  3. A high intensity strobe light along with a pillow or bed shaker to wake them up and alert them to fire conditions so they can escape
  4. Relying on a family member or neighbor
10.  When completing a personal assessment and emergency evacuation checklist which was NOT included as an area to assess?
  1. Dietary needs
  2. Personal care
  3. Transportation
  4. Evacuating

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