Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Screen Time & Negative Associations to Child Development

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1.  Parents were found to be less attentive while interacting with their young children if which of the following has happening at the same time?
  1. There was a TV in the room
  2. Another parent was on the phone
  3. The television was playing in the background
  4. Soft music was playing in the background
2.  Research found that two-year-olds did not learn which of the following if interactions with their parents were interrupted by a cell phone?
  1. To count
  2. New words
  3. To follow directions
  4. To feed themselves
3.  Research found that parents used which of the following when their children played with electronic toys?
  1. Fewer words
  2. More words
  3. More eye contact
  4. Less eye contact
4.  Currently there are no studies specifically linking screen time to which of the following?
  1. Language improvement
  2. Behavior problems
  3. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  4. Higher calorie diets
5.  What is technoference?
  1. Interference of technology on child development
  2. A conference on technology
  3. The association seen between parents who stopped to look at their devices and children's behavioral problems
  4. A type of techno music
6.  Research shows that young children who watch 2+ hours of TV daily are more likely to do which of the following than children who watched less than 2 hours of TV daily?
  1. Eat high calorie foods
  2. Be early readers
  3. Co-view (watch TV with their parents)
  4. Fall asleep while watching TV
7.  What can blue light from screens impact?
  1. A child's appetite
  2. Gross motor skills
  3. Fine motor skils
  4. Vision and sleep
8.  Which of the following describes what research found about children with TVs in their bedrooms?
  1. Less likely to be overweight and have sleep problems
  2. More likely to be overweight and have sleep problems
  3. Have more difficulty making friends
  4. More likely to have ADHD
9.  Screen time is linked to higher rates of which of the following in 2-year-olds?
  1. Depression
  2. ADHD
  3. Anxiety
  4. Movement
10.  Which of the following is a challenge with conducting screen time research?
  1. It is limited
  2. It is challenging to conduct for ethical reasons
  3. It is challenging to control for all other factors
  4. All of the above

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