Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Creative Block Play

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1.  Block play addresses the physical needs of children. Which type of blocks is best for developing gross motor skills, body awareness, balance, and visual-spatial skills?
  1. Wooden hollow and unit blocks
  2. Magnetic tile blocks
  3. Structural planks
  4. Connecting blocks
2.  Block play develops both cognitive and 21st-century skills. Which of the following best describes children "identifying and solving problems" in the block area?
  1. Children are counting blocks
  2. Children are making patterns with blocks
  3. Children are constructing a parking garage for four vehicles
  4. Children are building a tower
3.  Four-year-old Adriana is knocking down the towers that other children are building in the block area, creating loud protests from them. What answer best describes what you should do?
  1. Remove Adriana from the block area and send her to a different center
  2. Review the basic rules with Adriana that blocks are for building and that she should unbuild only her own construction
  3. Put Adriana in time-out
  4. Close the block area for the day
4.  Which answer best describes what an open-exploration in the block area would look like?
  1. Children choosing topics and materials based on interests without teacher-set goals
  2. Children being instructed to make patterns with blocks
  3. Children watching while a teacher models how to build a tower
  4. Children counting the number of blocks in a structure as part of a math lesson
5.  In which stage of block play does a child make towers or lay blocks on the floor in rows?
  1. Tote and Carry
  2. Beginning Building
  3. Bridging
  4. Enclosures
6.  In which stage of block play does a child begin to name structures related to the function of the building?
  1. Bridging
  2. Enclosures
  3. Complex Building
  4. Naming Structures
7.  A preschool teacher wants to introduce the concept of 3-D (three-dimensional) shapes such as a cylinder. Which activity would best help children learn about 3-D shapes?
  1. Introduce 3-D shapes at circle time and follow up with a worksheet activity where children identify 3-D shapes
  2. Free play with 3-D unit blocks without a teacher present
  3. Play with 3-D unit blocks with teacher guidance
  4. Watch a computer program on 3-D shapes
8.  Questioning can be used to expand children's understanding of building with blocks. Which of the following questions is open-ended?
  1. How many blocks did you use to build the road?
  2. Did you use big or little blocks to build the road?
  3. What color blocks did you use to build the roof?
  4. How did you get the roof to stay on?
9.  One component of a play-based, teacher-guided learning experience is that it is ITERATIVE. What does iterative mean?
  1. Learning facts from an educated person to gain knowledge
  2. Learning something new through active exploration to develop theories and then test and revise them with teacher support
  3. Learning through play without a teacher present
  4. Learning by watching or observing
10.  Which strategy is least effective in responding to children's building?
  1. Offer words of encouragement
  2. Describe what the builder is doing
  3. Tell children the correct way to solve the problem if they get frustrated
  4. Expand on an idea the builder has by asking for descriptive details, examples, comparisons or alternatives

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