Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Meeting the Needs of Young Boys in Early Childhood Programs

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1.  According to the presentation, what percent of boys were suspended once from preschool?
  1. 45%
  2. 69%
  3. 79%
  4. 85%
2.  Which of the following is true about boys as compared to girls?
  1. Young boys' language development is more advanced
  2. Many young boys are calm
  3. Young boys have poor impulse control and are prone to inattention and distraction
  4. Many young boys are neat and organized
3.  Which of the following terms means a match between a child's unique behaviors, characteristics, and dispositions, and the social and physical environment in which the child grows develops, and learns?
  1. Temperament
  2. Goodness-of-fit
  3. Personality
  4. Emotion regulation
4.  One reason mentioned by the presenter for the lack of a goodness-of-fit for boys was books that are not about things that young boys enjoy. Which of the following would be good topics to add to your class library for boys?
  1. Action, construction
  2. Animals, zoos
  3. Dolls, dress up
  4. Fairy tales
5.  One reason for the lack of a goodness-of-fit for boys is:
  1. Too advanced emotional and behavioral expectations
  2. Plenty of physical play
  3. Too much music, art, and dance
  4. Teachers getting on the floor with children
6.  Another reason for the lack of a goodness-of-fit for boys is a focus on ________ activities.
  1. Child-directed
  2. Teacher-directed
  3. Hands-on
  4. Physical
7.  The enactive representation of learning by Bruner includes which of the following?
  1. Pictures and visual symbols
  2. Words and numbers
  3. The alphabet
  4. Muscle memory
8.  Which of the following are recommended to add to a playground to entice boys?
  1. Books
  2. Blocks and cars
  3. Loose parts and a garden
  4. Water play
9.  Which of the following was recommended to add to the dramatic play area to entice boys?
  1. Medical equipment (doctors and nurses)
  2. Chef's equipment
  3. Post office supplies
  4. Hard hats & tools
10.  The presenter suggested creating support groups in early childhood programs and schools for which of the following groups of people?
  1. Females
  2. Males
  3. Grandparents
  4. Teachers

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