Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Avoiding Exposure to Hazardous Materials in ECE Settings, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

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1.  Which of the following forms can a hazardous material come in?
  1. Liquid
  2. Solid
  3. Gas
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is a common hazardous material?
  1. Plastic baby toys
  2. Essential oils
  3. Baby formula
  4. Diaper wipes
3.  Where should personal items be stored?
  1. In your purse/bag hanging on a hook
  2. On a high shelf
  3. In a locked cabinet
  4. In an unlocked cabinet out of the child's reach
4.  What is the antidote for carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning?
  1. Fresh air
  2. Oxygen
  3. A shot
  4. Nothing
5.  Which of the following should NOT be used when children are present?
  1. Cleaning wipes
  2. Hand soap
  3. Dish soap
  4. Aerosol sprays
6.  If outdoor areas are treated with pesticides, children should be kept off of the area for at least how long?
  1. 24 hours
  2. 36 hours
  3. 48 hours
  4. Not at all - it won't affect them
7.  Which of the following products should be stored LOCKED and out of children's reach?
  1. Medications
  2. Baby wipes
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. None of the above
8.  Where should potentially hazardous products be stored?
  1. In a spray bottle
  2. In its original container
  3. In a food container
  4. In a plastic tub
9.  How many feet above the finished floor should a storage shelf or cabinet for products "out of reach" be?
  1. At least 5 feet
  2. At least 6 feet
  3. At least 7 feet
  4. At least 8 feet
10.  If you suspect a poisoning, who should you call first?
  1. The program director
  2. Poison Control Center
  3. The child's parent
  4. The child's doctor

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