Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Potty Training at School

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1.  Why do early childhood teachers support potty training readiness?
  1. Teachers know the right way to potty train all children
  2. Teachers "scaffold" learning based on developmental skills
  3. All children can be potty trained by 2.5 years old
  4. Teachers know how to force a child to learn
2.  Which of the following is an example of social-emotional potty training readiness?
  1. A child can stay dry for at least 2 hours
  2. A child resists sitting on the potty
  3. A child tries to imitate adult potty behavior
  4. A child can play for hours in a wet diaper
3.  Which of the following is an example of verbal potty training readiness?
  1. A child can tell you when he's peed in his diaper
  2. A child can say "no" when asked to sit on the potty
  3. A child can sing the ABC's
  4. A child can ask for "Mommy"
4.  Which of the following is an example of cognitive potty training readiness?
  1. A child comprehends that potty books are relevant to his actions
  2. A child can count to 10
  3. A child wakes up dry from naps
  4. A child will sit on the potty for 20 minutes
5.  How do children's temperament styles influence potty training?
  1. Children with an Easy Temperament potty train younger
  2. Children with a Slow-to-Warm-Up Temperament show their frustration loudly
  3. Children with a Difficult Temperament are the last to potty train
  4. Understanding individual temperament helps teach to potty straining strengths
6.  Potty training games can be used with which learning strengths?
  1. Verbal
  2. Social
  3. Cognitive
  4. All of the above
7.  Which of the following best describes how school potty training policies should be?
  1. One size fits all
  2. Parent led
  3. Child led
  4. Zero-tolerance for potty accidents
8.  Which of the following is true about a written school potty training policy?
  1. Eliminates the need for on-going parent discussions
  2. Explains best ECE practices for potty learning
  3. Reassures parents that pottying at school is the same as pottying at home
  4. Eliminates the need to personalize potty training for each individual child
9.  How can schools support parents through better parent partnerships?
  1. Praise parents for trying and then give on-going feedback
  2. Show parents that what they think is wrong
  3. Expect parents to stop comparing children
  4. Write a one-and-done school potty training policy that explains everything
10.  How does relationship-based communication improve potty training experiences for teachers and families?
  1. Parents win when school potty training is identical to home potty training
  2. Teachers win when they can teach "their way"
  3. It increases understanding and decreases unrealistic expectations of one another's roles
  4. It takes away the irrational and emotional aspects of potty training

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