Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Using Children's Literature Throughout the Curriculum

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1.  Which of the following describes a quality children's book?
  1. A boring story
  2. Connects with children's lives
  3. Engages the teacher
  4. Has a lot of pictures
2.  What is the award given for children’s books on the quality of the illustrations?
  1. Caldecott
  2. Newbury
  3. Coretta Scott King Award
  4. Piaget Award
3.  Who said, “The mind organizes best in story form”?
  1. Vygotsky
  2. Piaget
  3. Watson
  4. Egan
4.  Which of the following was suggested as a theme that could use books to illustrate concepts?
  1. Race cars
  2. Feeling sad
  3. Families
  4. Books
5.  Why is a concept map used as a planning tool for developing a theme or a unit?
  1. Children need practice planning
  2. Children need to be able to state concepts
  3. Teachers use main ideas found in books to develop children’s concepts
  4. Concepts are needed for state testing
6.  What kind of tools are concept webs?
  1. Planning
  2. Curriculum modification
  3. Test prior knowledge
  4. Checklists for parent observations
7.  Which of the following is illustrated through concept webs?
  1. Relationships between subplots of books
  2. Relationships between genres of books
  3. Relationships between children
  4. Relationships between main ideas and the theme of the unit
8.  Which of the following should be included in quality plans for a unit?
  1. Test questions
  2. Center director involvement
  3. Use of various centers or areas of the classroom
  4. Rules for participation
9.  Since children's books involve reading to children, what should activities be focused on?
  1. Recognizing sounds in words
  2. Recalling the main characters in order
  3. Extending activities throughout the curriculum
  4. Recognition of key words
10.  Why are focus books selected for themes?
  1. They are award winning books
  2. They contain the main concepts you want children to remember
  3. They are mostly known for their humor
  4. They have low word counts

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