Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Bully Proofing Your Early Childhood Program, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Which is an example of direct physical bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Spreading Rumors
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Hitting
2.  Which is an example of indirect physical bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Getting Another Person to Assault Someone
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Hitting
3.  Which is an example of direct verbal bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Spreading Rumors
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Hitting
4.  Which is an example of indirect verbal bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Spreading Rumors
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Hitting
5.  Which is an example of direct non-verbal bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Spreading Rumors
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Hitting
6.  Which is an example of indirect non-verbal bullying?
  1. Taunting
  2. Spreading Rumors
  3. Obscene Gestures
  4. Exclusion
7.  Which of the following is an effect of bullying behavior on young children?
  1. Seems attached to parents
  2. Is generally calm and quiet
  3. Has many aggressive outbursts, often for no reason
  4. Has few temper tantrums
8.  Which of the following is an antidote to bullying?
  1. Playing alone
  2. Being a friend
  3. Having a poor sense of self
  4. Forcing children to play together
9.  Which of the following was a suggestion on how to intervene in bullying behavior?
  1. Wait a few minutes to intervene
  2. Respond firmly and describe the behavior you observed and why it is unacceptable
  3. Ask children to work things out for themselves
  4. Separate the children then walk away
10.  Which of the following was suggested as a way to teach assertiveness skills related to bullying?
  1. Watching videos
  2. Lectures
  3. Games
  4. Role-play

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