Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

The HOW of Engagement for Fathers and Families, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

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1.  To do family engagement well, it should have which three qualities?
  1. Grassroots/Strength Based/Child Outcome Focused
  2. Grassroots/Parental Input/Food at All Meetings
  3. Driven by Admin/Done by Staff/Attended by Families
  4. Food/Folks/Fun
2.  Many dads face different cultural challenges, but what tends to be true for dads of ALL groups?
  1. They don’t mix well
  2. They are suspicious of each other
  3. They all want the best for their kids
  4. They won’t attend programs that are not about their SPECIFIC group
3.  What should good father engagement programs be built on?
  1. The newest trends in parenting
  2. Proven best practices
  3. What you have always done
  4. Things that feel safe to staff members
4.  Best practices for father engagement include which of the following?
  1. Child focused
  2. Interactive programs
  3. A month’s notice
  4. All of the above
5.  What is a good solution to the barrier of a family's work schedule to attending programs?
  1. Tell family to call in sick and attend the program
  2. Tell family to take a vacation day and attend the program
  3. Give plenty of notice of programs
  4. Tell family they don't need to come to the program
6.  What was a recommended solution to the barrier of people not committing to coming to family programs?
  1. Use the kids and remind them again
  2. Require attendance to keep child enrolled
  3. Charge a fee if they don't attend
  4. Staff make calls daily to remind them
7.  What is one of the best ways to get dads to attend a program with their child?
  1. Provide lots of food
  2. Have the kids invite them with a personalized flier
  3. Give an incentive like a gas card
  4. Get the staff to call every father a couple of times before the event
8.  Which of the following is true for moms in regard to father engagement activities?
  1. Moms should not be allowed to attend
  2. Moms don’t like the dads to be involved
  3. Moms are always welcomed to attend with their children with or without dad
  4. Moms are not good advocates for father engagement programs
9.  What is one of the best ways to remind dads about an upcoming program?
  1. Large billboard
  2. Stickers on kids as they go home
  3. Massive email broadcast
  4. Social Media
10.  Fatherhood programs work best for which groups?
  1. Dads that live in the same home
  2. Non-custodial dads
  3. Dads that live at a distance
  4. All of the above

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