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Exam Preview

Emergency Response Strategies to Support Young Children and Families during COVID-19, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

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1.  Which of the following is a tip for supporting children during COVID-19?
  1. Maintain a schedule and routines
  2. Acknowledge children's feelings
  3. Avoid exposure to media/news coverage
  4. All of the above
2.  Which is an example of social connections?
  1. Free phones
  2. Access to free wifi
  3. Relationships with others
  4. Housing assistance
3.  Which is an example of concrete supports?
  1. Relationships with colleagues
  2. Food banks
  3. Spiritual groups
  4. Pets
4.  Which of the following is a suggestion for remaining connected during social distancing?
  1. Going to a restaurant with a friend
  2. Digital dinner with a colleague
  3. Going to a movie with your family
  4. Going to the mall with a group of friends
5.  Which of the following is an example of "one-minute kindness"?
  1. Noticing where stress is in your body
  2. Taking deep breaths or counting to ten
  3. Scheduling a weekly check-in with staff online
  4. A phone call or e-mail to check in, share a compliment, or express gratitude
6.  What can be done remotely to support families and children?
  1. Storybook reading
  2. Cooking
  3. Shopping
  4. Nothing
7.  What is one approach discussed in the course for meeting families' basic needs during this global pandemic?
  1. Offering discounted meals for families and children at local restaurants
  2. Taking families shopping to get necessities
  3. Provide free child care for families
  4. Free "grab n go" breakfast and lunch
8.  Where was it suggested that families can receive behavioral or mental health support, rental, eviction, and legal support, and file for unemployment?
  1. Local Child Care Center
  2. Local Library
  3. Family Resource Center
  4. Local Public School
9.  Which of the following is a positive way to support and engage children?
  1. Have children watch the news with you
  2. Daily read-alouds
  3. Hide your own feelings about the situation
  4. Let children create their own schedules
10.  Which of the following is a strategy adults can use to promote resilience for children?
  1. Help children have fun
  2. Teach them strategies to relax their body
  3. Provide predictable routines and schedules
  4. All of the above