Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Working with Children with Disabilities: Inclusion Works!, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

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1.  What does an inclusive child care program provide?
  1. Special education services only
  2. Restrictive environments
  3. Belonging, acceptance and developmentally appropriate practice
  4. Being placed in a separate room from typically developing peers
2.  What does IDEA stand for?
  1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  2. Individuals with Different Education Act
  3. Inclusion with Disabilities Education Act
  4. Individualization with Disabled Education Act
3.  What does the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) assure?
  1. Partial civil rights to individuals with disabilities
  2. Discrimination on the basis of disability in employment
  3. Full civil rights, including access to and accommodations in preschool and child care setting
  4. All children will get a free education at the best schools
4.  Which of the following best describes an inclusive early childhood environment?
  1. Only special education teachers decide what materials and curriculum to use in inclusive environments
  2. Support services are not available to the provider/staff to help meet the individual needs of the child
  3. The child only participates in part of the activities with the other children
  4. The child has access to and participates in all curriculum and activities
5.  Which of the following best describes what inclusion means?
  1. Placing children with disabilities in the same educational programs and settings their parents would choose for them to attend if they did not have disabilities
  2. Separating infants and young children with disabilities into different classrooms from their typically developing peers
  3. Providing opportunities for special education services in separate settings
  4. Providing little support and training to caregivers, service providers, and families
6.  Which of the following was recommended as a way to work with a child with developmental delays?
  1. Give multiple step directions
  2. Move the child physically through the task by modeling activities so he/she can feel what to do
  3. Let the child try multiple times before stepping in to help
  4. Give little notice of transitions
7.  Which of the following was recommended as a way to work with a child with speech and language delays?
  1. Never be a good listener and observer, just talk to the child all the time
  2. Talk very slowly and loudly to the child
  3. Give directions using very complicated words in complete sentences
  4. Engage infants and toddlers in shared conversations by reading their sounds, gestures, facial expressions, and body language
8.  Which of the following was recommended as a way to work with a child with physical disabilities?
  1. Support the child's independence by standing back and letting him try multiple times to complete a task
  2. Consider the physical space and see if there are any obstacles that prevent thee child from moving safely in the area
  3. Assist the child with every task, even if he can do it independently
  4. Sit the child outside of the group so he can watch everything that's going on
9.  Which of the following was recommended as a way to work with children who are deaf or hard of hearing?
  1. Face the child and speak in single words
  2. Talk loudly to the child
  3. Face the child and speak in full sentences
  4. Only let the parent handle the hearing aid
10.  Which of the following was recommended as a way to work with children with visual disabilities?
  1. Have lots of area rugs in the room
  2. Change the arrangement of furniture in the room often to challenge the child
  3. Once you’ve found an arrangement of furniture that works for the room, try not to change it too much as the child may rely on it to navigate through the room
  4. Use short phrases and talk loudly

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