Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Trauma Responsive and Resilience Building Strategies to Support Children, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  Which of the questions below promotes giving a child a voice?
  1. What is wrong with you?
  2. Why do you act like that?
  3. Why can't you act right?
  4. What is your behavior communicating to me?
2.  According to the presenter, which is NOT a reason (or the meaning) behind children’s challenging behavior?
  1. To show you they feel unsafe
  2. To get attention
  3. To express a sensation or emotion to you
  4. To gain or avoid someone or something
3.  Which are included in the definition of trauma?
  1. The individual's sensory system, not the event itself
  2. Short-term adverse efects
  3. The intensity of the event
  4. Long-term positive effects
4.  Which correctly defines complex trauma?
  1. Refers to the experience of multiple traumatic events
  2. Describes both exposure to chronic trauma—usually caused by adults entrusted with the child’s care—and the impact of such exposure on the child
  3. Is a personal or historical event or prolonged experience that continues to have an impact over several generations
  4. Describes emerging research on the expression of genes and trauma
5.  Which part of the brain is the alarm center and responsible for fight, flight, or freeze?
  1. Prefrontal Cortex
  2. Forebrain
  3. Limbic Brain
  4. Hindbrain
6.  How many new neural connections are being developed per second in the brain of a child under the age of 6?
  1. 1 million
  2. 1 billion
  3. 1 trillion
  4. 100,000
7.  What is the meaning of a child’s behavior that is having a trauma trigger?
  1. I feel unsafe
  2. I am trying to gain connection with an adult
  3. I am having big emotions right now
  4. I am trying to avoid circle time
8.  Why does trauma affect some children more than others?
  1. Intensity or frequency of trauma
  2. If a child had any “control” during the traumatic event
  3. Were there any buffers to their stress during the trauma
  4. All of the above
9.  Which is an example of sensory and emotional literacy?
  1. Reading books about emotions
  2. Crying
  3. The ability to identify sensations and emotions in myself
  4. Throwing objects
10.  What part of the autonomic nervous system is stimulated when exhaling?
  1. Respiratory system
  2. Parasympathetic nervous system
  3. Circulatory system
  4. Digestive system

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