Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Reducing Conflict Within Teams, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

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1.  When does conflict often occur?
  1. When someone does something or says something
  2. When we don’t like the person
  3. When we interpret or tell ourselves a story about the incident
  4. None of the above
2.  What is the first step to challenging our story?
  1. Asking ourselves, “Is it really true?”
  2. Asking ourselves “Why else might this have happened?”
  3. Asking ourselves, "Why did this have to happen to me?"
  4. Asking ourselves, "Who did this to me?"
3.  What is the equation for shifting our mindset?
  1. A + B = C
  2. E + O = R
  3. O + R = E
  4. E + R = O
4.  Who does the drama triangle involve?
  1. Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer
  2. Attacker, Responder, Victim
  3. Rescuer, Blamer, Victim
  4. Attacker, Boss, Responder
5.  Which of the following is true about genuine apologies?
  1. Always include the words “if” and “but”
  2. Never include the words “if” and “but”
  3. Are long and detailed
  4. Ask for something in return

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