Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Pregnancy 101: Fetal Drug Exposure and Its Consequences Throughout the Lifespan

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1.  Which of the following best describes fentanyl?
  1. A naturally-derived powerful opioid with no medicinal purpose
  2. A powerful synthetically manufactured opioid used for severe pain
  3. An anti-anxiety relief
  4. A gateway drug
2.  Which of the below examples best describes the legal use of a drug?
  1. Taking your mother’s pills when she doesn’t need them (do not be wasteful)
  2. Taking the oxycodone you bought from a friend
  3. Photocopying your prescription and filling it again at another pharmacy
  4. Taking your personal medication as prescribed
3.  Which of the following is a risk for an infant exposed to opioids during pregnancy?
  1. Preeclampsia
  2. Placental abruption
  3. Neural tube defect
  4. Pain relief
4.  When is Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) diagnosed?
  1. Infant is symptomatically withdrawing from an opioid exposure
  2. Infant is asymptomatically withdrawing from cocaine
  3. Mother scores high on a risk assessment
  4. Baby has uncontrolled hiccups
5.  When developing a plan of care for assisting the pregnant mother of one of your 2-year-old clients whom you think might be on opioids, which of the following might you NOT want to do?
  1. Hand her AA/NA literature
  2. Give her a goody bag of information on local resources and phone numbers
  3. Let her know you are available to talk if needed
  4. Go to her house and confront her significant other for not doing something

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