Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Sensory Processing for Early Education

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1.  What does proprioception impact?
  1. Body awareness
  2. Motor control/coordination
  3. Grading force
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following may describe an infant that is over-responsive?
  1. Constantly move
  2. Be passive and quiet sitters
  3. Seek constant pressure
  4. Like to be held
3.  What part of the vestibular system detects linear acceleration and deceleration?
  1. Semicircular canal
  2. Otoliths
  3. Utricle
  4. Ampulla
4.  What is a strategy to support vestibular processing?
  1. Adapting the environment
  2. Making accommodations to allow the child to learn the same material but in a different way
  3. Repeating exposure with support
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following skills can be impacted by tactile processing?
  1. Hearing
  2. Vision
  3. Fine motor skills
  4. Talking
6.  What is an example of tactile behavior seen in an under-responsive preschooler?
  1. Purposely bump or crash into people or hard surfaces
  2. Stand quietly in line
  3. Have many friends
  4. Sit quietly at circle or group time
7.  Which of the following is NOT an example of an under-responsive auditory behavior?
  1. Fail to respond to someone calling their name
  2. Ask people to be quiet often
  3. Hum, sing or yell during class time
  4. Have difficulty following verbal instructions
8.  What is something to remember regarding taste considerations with young children?
  1. Don't use many seasonings
  2. Make children taste new foods
  3. Provide only favorite foods to children
  4. Expose children to new foods at least 8-15 times
9.  Christie's philosophy on play-based learning includes ALL EXCEPT:
  1. Focus on child-led free play and exploration
  2. Do not allow risk taking
  3. Allow risk taking in physical play
  4. Give them freedom to create
10.  What does Laura use for circle time in her sensory-rich class?
  1. Different seating
  2. Deep pressure
  3. Fidgets
  4. All of the above

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