Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Imagination Yoga - Inspiring Kids to Move, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association

View Course Details Please note: exam questions are subject to change.

1.  How many minutes of structured physical activity does NASPE recommend for children ages 4 and up?
  1. None
  2. 10 minutes
  3. 30 minutes
  4. 60 minutes
2.  How can Imagination Yoga be integrated into the classroom?
  1. Transitional times
  2. As an early literacy activity
  3. Create a classroom yoga space
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following is NOT supported through the yoga breath?
  1. Calms the mind and body
  2. Promotes relaxation
  3. Increases vocabulary
  4. Promotes focus
4.  Which of the following is NOT one of the listed benefits of Cat/Cow Pose?
  1. Tightens the feet
  2. Promotes overall back health
  3. Stretches lower, mid and upper back, and neck
  4. Strengthens and lengthens between the shoulder blades
5.  Which pose/activity involves standing on one foot?
  1. Cat pose
  2. Tree pose
  3. Cow pose
  4. Kind hearts, kind words, kind thoughts

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