Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Supporting Young Children to Cope, Build Resilience and Heal from Trauma through Play

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1.  Trauma can leave a child feeling out of control. Which of the following is NOT true about play?
  1. Play is less important than teaching social-emotional skills to help heal trauma
  2. Play buffers toxic stress
  3. Play can provide them with agency and a felt sense of control over their make-believe world
  4. Through play, children tell stories about the feelings associated with past experiences
2.  Which part of the brain is triggered when a child moves into fight, flight or freeze reactions through their behavior and/or play?
  1. Limbic brain
  2. Cortex
  3. Amygdala
  4. Hind/Survival brain
3.  How many new neural connections are being built every second for children ages 0-6?
  1. 19 million
  2. 1 million
  3. 10,000
  4. 1 billion
4.  Which trauma-responsive strategy was used with Calvin, who was experiencing divorce, and communicating his feelings through his play?
  1. Attunement by the teacher provided Calvin an opportunity to communicate his feelings non-verbally through play
  2. Name it to Tame It (name feelings to calm them)
  3. Replace grief and loss with agency and control to provide a sense of power in the narrative
  4. All of the above
5.  Which trauma-responsive strategy was NOT used with Lindsay to help Katie feel safe when she would shake, cry, and run to hide under a table?
  1. Calming the hindbrain first to access the cortex
  2. Prosody and tone of voice and non-verbal body language sends a message of safety
  3. Telling the child what choices they should make
  4. Individualizing strategies based on what the child can tolerate

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