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Exam Preview

Understanding Early Childhood Diagnosis: What Preschool Teachers Need to Know

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1.  For a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which level requires very substantial support?
  1. Level 1
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is a classroom strategy for a child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
  1. Provide less outside time
  2. Use written schedules
  3. Limit physical movement
  4. Reduce commands to 1-2 steps at most
3.  Which of the following is a characteristic of a child with an anxiety disorder?
  1. Long tearful goodbyes that are difficult to re-regulate
  2. Frequent talking, drawing, or playing about a specific topic
  3. Fearful of new events/teachers/situations
  4. All of the above
4.  When speaking with families about concerns, which of the following should early childhood providers do?
  1. Only present data
  2. Bring data and concrete observations
  3. Speak to the family in the classroom with others around
  4. Tell families what you are going to do for the child
5.  When recommending the next steps, preschool providers can provide the family with referrals. In this situation, what is a referral?
  1. Local agencies and/or providers who can evaluate the child further
  2. When the pediatrician is concerned
  3. The reason that you are concerned
  4. An option for a new school that is a better fit in your opinion