Meet the experts
Our Team
The robust Continued Early Childhood Education course library is developed and overseen by an experienced team of early childhood education specialists and industry professionals.
Jessica Lewis
Senior Managing Editor
Kimberly Norris
CEU Administrator
Ashley Burck
Associate Continuing Education Producer
Featured Presenters
The instructors and guest editors who present our ECE courses are skilled experts in topics such as child development, child care training, and professional development for early childhood providers.
Angie Neal is the Speech-Language Pathology Consultant at the South Carolina State Department of Education, a member of ASHA's School Issues Advisory Board, a graduate of ASHA’s inaugural School-Based Leadership Development Program, a board member with the State Education Agency Communication Disabilities Council, published author, a LETRS facilitator for South Carolina, previous adjunct faculty for the University of South Carolina, and previous board member for the South Carolina International Dyslexia Association. Mrs. Neal is a frequent presenter on a variety of topics such as cultural and linguistic diversity, language and literacy, remediation of /r/, and pragmatics.
Dr. Kathy Pillow-Price has spent most of her professional career working to improve the lives of children and families. She is a nationally known expert in the field of early childhood education and is a frequent presenter at regional and national events. After years teaching and working in higher education, she currently works in an executive grant management role. She has a master's degree in Early Childhood Education and a doctorate in Educational Leadership.
Rachel Wagner is a Lead National Trainer and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist for the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC). She is the author of FLIP IT! Transforming Challenging Behavior. Rachel began her career as a preschool teacher and then worked as a teacher and counselor at a therapeutic preschool. She also served as an Early Childhood Mental Health Coordinator and Consultant for several Head Start programs. Later in her career, Rachel began one of New York’s first early childhood mental health consultation services. In her work at DCRC Rachel travels the country speaking to groups on topics related to social-emotional health and resilience. Rachel currently resides in the Syracuse, NY area with her family. She is a passionate speaker, a dedicated listener and an advocate for children who communicate in unique ways.
Advisory Board
All Continued Early Childhood Education content is vetted by a distinguished Advisory Board that provides topic-specific content and curriculum development.
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