Continued Psychology Phone: 866-688-6554

Exam Preview

Working with Millennials in the “Sandwich Generation”

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1.  Statistically speaking, which of the following individual(s) is most likely to serve as the caretaker for all family members?
  1. Female/Mother/Daughter
  2. Male/Father/Son
  3. Grandmother
  4. Grandfather
2.  Emotion focused coping does NOT include:
  1. Humor
  2. Positive reframing
  3. Venting
  4. Taking antidepressants
3.  Avoidance focused coping is considered:
  1. A helpful coping strategy
  2. A maladaptive coping strategy
  3. Can help in some stressful situations
  4. None of the above
4.  Who is identified as a member of the Sandwich Generation?
  1. Those who have a living parent age 65 or older and are either raising a child under age 18 or supporting a grown child
  2. Everyone born between 1970 and 1990
  3. Only those living in the same household as multiple generations
  4. Only those experiencing financial stress as a result of caretaking
5.  Members of the Sandwich Generation care for:
  1. Their own children and their parents
  2. Refugees
  3. A community of children
  4. Foster animals
6.  Which of the following is NOT a way to alleviate caregiver fatigue?
  1. Setting boundaries
  2. Letting go of what they cannot control
  3. Waiting until a family member is sick to begin discussing care needs
  4. Reclaiming time
7.  Which of the following is NOT a negative effect of high levels of stress in the sandwich generation:
  1. Higher levels of stress hormones
  2. More days sick with an infectious disease
  3. Weaker immune response to influenza, or flu, vaccines
  4. Improvement in sleep quality
8.  Which of the following statements is true?
  1. It is best to seek support after a crisis occurs
  2. Make financial decisions that are emotional not logical
  3. Make financial decisions that are logical not emotional
  4. Always look for the perfect solution
9.  Which of the following is a common potential financial risk of being in the Sandwich Generation?
  1. The cost of both childcare and eldercare outpacing the client’s earnings
  2. Not being considered for promotions due to taking time off work to caregive
  3. Missing out on corporate opportunities due to not being as present as client once was
  4. All of the above
10.  Many large companies that employ members of the sandwich generations offer which of the following employee assistance programs:
  1. Creating a job for family members
  2. Providing FMLA
  3. Providing stimulus pay
  4. Dependent Care

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