Continued Psychology Phone: 866-688-6554

Exam Preview

Cognitive Therapy: Let's Talk About the Basics!

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1.  Who is the founder of Cognitive Therapy?
  1. Dr. Sigmund Freud
  2. Dr. Aaron Beck
  3. Dr. Anna Freud
  4. Dr. Albert Ellis
2.  Cognitive therapy is often exchanged with this similar therapy.
  1. CBT
  2. CPT
  3. REBT
  4. ACT
3.  All of the following are under the umbrella of cognitive therapy EXCEPT:
  1. CBT
  2. ACT
  3. DBT
  4. Reality Therapy
4.  All of the following are mental health conditions treated effectively by CT EXCEPT
  1. Social Phobia
  2. Panic Disorder
  3. Schizophrenia
  4. OCD
5.  Which of the following is NOT a criticism of CT?
  1. More cautious approach
  2. May not give the client enough time to meet their goals
  3. Promotes assumptions which may be faulty
  4. It is direct and long lasting treatment
6.  Goals of CT include:
  1. Aims for some kind of improvement and return to normal functioning, symptom relief or symptom management
  2. Clients are helped to test their assumptions and views of the world in order to check if they fit with reality
  3. Offers a variety of problem-solving techniques
  4. All of the above
7.  Maladaptive cognitions are defined as:
  1. looking forward and envisioning a better and happier life
  2. distorted reflections of situations, where these reflections are often accepted as true.
  3. mechanism for the connection between health and positivity
  4. state of mind brings light, hope and enthusiasm
8.  All of the following are roles of the CT therapist EXCEPT:
  1. Keep patients on track
  2. Model healthier behaviors
  3. Help patients identify their thoughts and behaviors
  4. Telling patients exactly what to do in order to change their thinking
9.  Initial sessions should be a minimum of _______ minutes in length.
  1. 30-60
  2. 90-120
  3. 10-20
  4. 75-80
10.  CT is a/an __________ based therapy.
  1. spiritually
  2. evidence/empirically
  3. reality
  4. psychopharmacological

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